The life of bob and is this just karma.


Junior Administrator
Some of you may have noticed that bob has been away for the last few weeks due to examinations. For the first time in my life pretty much I have concentrated well and done proper revision for a course. I finally finished my exams today feeling relatively good about myself. I had not played a single game during this 2.5 week period and was looking forward to having an all you can eat chinese coming back to my house and playing 2142 until i dropped. However on return to my pc alas these plans were destroyed before they started. I got back to my pc to discover that in my absence something had obviously died. I have been using my pc for revision and have had no problems however as soon as i got my 2142 on i started having crazy graphics issues. To not bore you in this rant I'll simply say that these problems got a lot worse quickly and after various crashes and bsods i stop trying to play games. To discern whether this is hardware or software I'm whipiing my entire drive and waxing a new xp install tomorrow morning.

This has basically crushed me, I know it sounds pathetic, but gaming is what i do to chill out and i have been focusing on getting to June 6th for about 2 months now through no end of crap from my course. I've no idea why I'm writing this and if the admins/mods deem it worthless and want to ditch it then go frit, just sitting feeling the need to rant. Have almost considered that somehow i have wronged the gods in some way that this has happened. I'm not looking for any particular tech help here, but as I'm someone who tbh never really gets phased by anything and pretty much just gets on with it, I've been completely thrown by this. Just feeling completely bummed out that I've worked my arse off to get to today and have been looking forward to the reward of being able to sit down and chill for today. Rather i have spent the afternoon recreating partitions in knoppix and backing up data. These are mostly the mindless ramblings of a very tired frustrated bob, but hey, there is some other personal crap that has been the fuel but this really has been the splint that has made me want to start hitting things. Ahh well what can you do.

Life goes on and worst comes to worst i have to BNPL myself a new pc and work my little ass off over the summer.

I dearly hope that you're all having a better time of it than i am currently.


I am actually feeling really bad about taunting you on the bus now :( Sorry :( In compensation, if you want to use my PC for some 2142-age, feel free! Hope the new PC is NICE :D


New Member
NOOOOOO poor bob! Know how you feel...try abstaining for exams, then finding out that your internet has packed up and migrated to Nairobi, and won't be back for three months. :(

Looking on the bright side, the Gods may be telling you to reward your own hard work with a shiny new PC :)