The Main Page


Well-Known Member
Well... It's a bit meh, I think you'll agree. An image with a few buttons. Wouldn't people prefer to have it all shiny and good looking. When someone's pointed towards the website I can only imagine they don't think much about what they see and are less inclined to dive into the fray that is THN forums. We don't really need much, just something to make it look nice. I'm thinking a whole re-design!
  • A new logo! Someone with PaintShop skillz *cough*Macca*cough* could maybe design us a new logo for the main page. Still keeping the idea of the iconic haven tree, but perhaps shinier and sexier, more like haven himself.
  • News! You see that notice thing we have on the shoutbox that gives information in brief, couldn't we have it in big with all the news and so forth? Like TF2 match at blah blah blah, CoD4 game at blah blah blah. I could maintain it if you guys don't want to.
  • Links to the forums and other places of interest.
  • Other titbits like images from the gallery that could be embedded on the page, teamspeak info and the like.
I'd be willing to do a lot of the website work, I was just wondering what all you guys thought of it.


Junior Administrator
Yeah as long as it looks good then it can only be a positive, you've got to avoid it looking like alot of the silly little crappy stuff that some sites have that are supposed to look good and just look awful.
I think it's best to keep the main page quite clean and simple though, redo the little bits, but avoid over crowding it as it'll look tacky and rubbish.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Haven has said in the past that if anyone can come up with a decent effort for the front page then he'll use that. I keep thinking about it but my time tends to be heavily competed. If you fancy having a go at it then feel free to run questions by me and I'll pitch in what I can. Indeed, if you can get a couple of you together to get the graphics and markup/styles sorted between you then that may work well.


I don't mind doing the artwork, if someone can give me some direction on what you want, e.g. Buttons, colours, dimensions, content....

Buttons and things don't take long to create in PS, and I could probably whip up a decent enough logo.