many questions...
Does anyone have an idea of how far into the future you can set a price on a product within one of these obligations
(in the present that is..and with detailed planing, longterm planing shouldn't be a problem anyway), or do they nolonger exist
in the same form? I'm no wiz-kid but it doesn't seem that farfetched that buying future products on second-hand
rated prices can manipulate and abuse the financial market for the specifik product. Someone like Schols should have
seen that coming. Could be compared to spreading rumors on the stock market for personal gain. And the flawes of
such equations are kind of obvious to don't you think? In other words, you've made a cake that
you tell everyone that it is the best damn cake ever made, although you made it from sour milk and laxatives. The
person eating it would be the "product".