The MechCommander series is now free for download



Arstechnica is reporting that you can now download all the MechCommander games from, for free! Legally! Their idea is to revive the series, and get new people playing. From their about section:

Our goal is a simple one. To promote the MechCommander series of games and help bring in new talent to the respective communities.

Anyone can download the game, follow the handy tutorials and join in on the fun. We understand that it can be a drag to be the “new guy”, that’s why we have appointed specially selected Admins to help get any new player of clan up to speed.

But wait, by now you’re thinking to yourself “okay, it sounds interesting, but why bother with such an old game?” The simple answer to that is playability. For the same reasons people like classic console games like Counter Strike, Mech Commander makes you keep coming back for more.

I always enjoyed the series, and found it fun, so thought you guys might want to give it a try.