Junior Administrator
I realise that this thread might be a bit redundant in a few weeks' time with the release of Oblivion, but that's the reason I'm doing this. I think we should have a fitting send-off for Morrowind and something to see us through to the new release of Oblivion. Stories are the best way to do this
Take, for instance, my adventures last night.
The Daedric Swordmaster
My level 34 Dark Elf, having just been flung out of the Assasin's Guild for refusing to do a trivial mission, travelled the long road from Balmora, Morrowind's largest town, to the Ghostgate, a magical fence protecting the rest of Vvardenfell from the horrors within. Blighted creatures the likes of which are not seen elsewhere stalk the land, picking off unwary travellers.
The Daedric Swordmaster
My level 34 Dark Elf, having just been flung out of the Assasin's Guild for refusing to do a trivial mission, travelled the long road from Balmora, Morrowind's largest town, to the Ghostgate, a magical fence protecting the rest of Vvardenfell from the horrors within. Blighted creatures the likes of which are not seen elsewhere stalk the land, picking off unwary travellers.
Stopping briefly at an ancient warrior's temple, I rested to regain my constitution and also to recharge mentally. A previous battle with a rival mage and had left me drained - his army of conjured skeletons had required large amounts of magic and arrows in equal measure to banish, and that was before dealing with the mage himself. Of course, his life ended with him being flung from the top of the bridge he had been holding, by my trusty sparksword, no less.
Leaving the temple, I chatted briefly to a friendly orcish warrior before setting out through the ruins towards the ghostgate. But before I'd taken a few steps, I was suddenly joined by a vicious wind and a red cloud - a sign evil was afoot.
Sure enough, through the mist I could see a fully armed Daedric warrior charging straight at me. Naturally, I did what any sane and rational person would do - prepped a steel arrow into my bow and let rip. It bounced off the armour with a mere 'ping'. Okay... this is depressing - my arrows, my greatest source of attacking strength, would be of no use in the upcoming battle.
Equipping my trusty sparksword once more, I set to work on the Daedric armour. To put it simply, it was like using a pencil to cut a rock. Like Ayers Rock. In other words the effect it had was so negligible I might as well have been using a wooden stick. This was more so the case two seconds later, when my sparksword went and broke. 'Oh bugger', was my reaction at this point.
Luckily I'd previously bought a few spells to help me out - fireball and spark proving handy previous allies. However, they'd been untested against a great foe - previously they'd been used to take care of a few offending Cliff Racers, but nothing more grand than that.
The result was less than I was hoping for. The fireball did some damage, but not a great deal. At this point I was running backwards, madly firing spells off at the oncoming foe.
I stopped briefly behind a pillar among the ruins, and contemplated my options. I'd taken the demon down to less than a quarter of it's health with my run-and-doge tactics, but I was running out of magicka fast. It was time to use my backup sword.
Charging out from behind the pillar, I madly set to work on the armour, while dodging and weaving around my somewhat angry but equally baffled opponent. And then it happened. Perhaps it was a chance hit among my frenzied attack, perhaps the demon had just had enough. For whatever reason, he collapsed screaming to the ground, and turned into ash, leaving only his sword behind.
I bent down to pick it up. It felt good in my hand. It's dark handle and design that gave way to the perfect silver blade looked amazing. The ebony longsword, as it was called, had found a new master.