The Ninja Game - design [long, no really, LONG!]

Ronin Storm

Staff member
[mod]By popular request, the title now reflects the exceptional length of this post in comparison to the usual posts you're used to reading here. Don't think you can just skim this at speed. As bob says, "it's a marathon, not a sprint". Grab a cup of tea and a biscuit, feel calm, read carefully. I believe it's well worth your while as I think the end product is going to be well cool. And once you've read it, let me know what you think or just post "oh my god, I've finished reading the thread of doom!" and that'd be cool too. :) --RS[/mod]

I'm working on an alternate design to the Mafia/Werewolf games we've been playing but I'd like some thoughts and feedback on some of the ideas I've been working on.

First, the basic game design doesn't appeal to my design ethics in two specific ways:

  • I believe that a player should be able to play a game for as long as possible. Mafia/Werewolf's design is such that one or more players can be killed out before they really get to play the meat of the game.
  • I believe that players should all have an equal crack at being "special" within the game's frame of reference. Mafia/Werewolf assigns special powers to only a small number of players.

Sure, a game that kills people out is probably going to have an attrition to it and some sort of death penalty does help keep the game lively and pressured. However, being killed on day 0 or day 1 of the game can feel quite crap and I'd like to reduce that negative aspect.

So, bring on The Ninja Game (TNG), my take on the Mafia/Werewolf base game but with a number of differences and extensions.

Basic Premise

The players are all Samurai Lords (Diaymo). However, some of them are evil.

The Emperor and his heirs have been assassinated by ninja and war is now brewing with the neighbouring country who are known to be a safe haven to evil ninja. The Lords have gathered in the Imperial City to elect a Shogun to take control of the Imperial Army and lead them to victory, as the Army will only answer to a duly elected authority in the absence of the Emperor himself.

Every day, the Lords meet at the Imperial Palace to debate who should be made Shogun.

Every evening, the Lords vote as to who will be the Shogun. They can vote that no one should yet be elected and they retain that option every night. If there is a tie in voting, no one is elected Shogun that night.

When someone is elected they must spend a night in the Temple to cleanse themselves and prepare for their investiture on the following morning.

If a Shogun is elected and successfully invested (assuming he's not murdered overnight), each evening he can decide to order the Imperial Army to round up and execute one of the other Lords.

The good Lords win when the evil Lords are wiped out.

The evil Lords win when the good Lords are wiped out or when it becomes obvious that the good Lords can no longer defeat the evil ones (e.g. one good Lord left and the Shogun is evil).

Powers - Generically

Ultimately, there's a short list of powers that really exist in these games, that I've assessed so far:

  • Talk
  • Vote
  • Attack
  • Ambush
  • Defend, either self or others
  • Spy
  • Divine
  • Cloak, either self or others
  • Build / Recruit

The first two may seem almost obvious, but those "powers" are the ones lost when a player is killed out of the game. Knowing there's two means they could potentially be stripped or provided in different ways.

Attack and Defend speak for themselves, though I'll come back them both as regards TNG as I have a different take on them. In essence, though Defend is the counter to Attack.

Ambush is a variant of Attack. I'll come back to that below.

The difference between Spy and Divine is that the former is to see what happens, the second is to discover allegiance. I'm not totally sold on them being separate but I'd considered they might be. Cloak would then be the counter to Spy and/or Divine.

Build / Recruit is something these games don't apparently contain at the moment. I'll discuss more below.

Some of these powers are overt and some covert and some might be both at different times. Green powers are overt and are always played in the day. Red powers are covert and are always played at night. Orange powers might be either or both simultaneously, depending on various factors discussed below.

Powers - Specifically

For TNG, my approach is to provide players with multiple "playing pieces" that provide themselves with different powers.

Each player, of course, has their Lord, who can Talk and Vote.

Each Lord has their Samurai Bodyguards, who can Attack and Defend.

Each Lord may also have one additional "piece" to bring to bear.

The evil Lords have their Black Ninja, who can also Attack or Ambush.

Some Lords might also have one of the following:

  • Red Ninja, who can Defend.
  • Sorcerer, who can Divine.
  • Spy Master, who can, uh, Spy.
  • General, who can Recruit.

Not all these need actually be included in the game and others could be added as not all powers have been covered there.

Before I continue with powers and their use, it's time to introduce another concept I've got running through my head...

The Map

A very simple 3x3 grid can be used as a map for this game. On paper, I've got something that looks like:

Inn      | Harbour | Barracks
Market   | Palace  | Streets
Temple   | Gardens | Tea House

The Inn, Tea House, Barracks, Temple and Palace are all buildings and therefore indoors. Everywhere else is outside in the open. The importance of this will be apparent below.

Each day, all Lords gather at the Palace. Each night, after voting, each Lord leaves the palace to take up a place in the Imperial City. They choose their location privately (via PM) at the same time they're privately indicating what covert actions they're going to take that night.

The Palace, Barracks and Temple are special locations and cannot be chosen as their place to stay overnight, except in certain conditions.

Attack, Defend and Ambush... and why the Map matters

Samurai and Black Ninja can be told to Attack a square on the Map. By default, they will attempt to kill everyone they find there except their own Lord. However, each Lord can privately declare a Truce with any other Lords, in essence sparing them if they are found in that square.

Samurai can also be told to Defend. By default, they Defend the square with their Lord in. However they can be told to Defend another square and, by doing so, the Samurai will attempt prevent any Attack to any Lord in that square.

Attack and Defence are resolved simply. Each Attacker and Defender neutralise each other, essentially wiping each other out. If there are any Attackers left over after all the Defenders are neutralised, the Attackers kill any Lords remaining in that square who they do not have a Truce with. Otherwise, the Lords are saved by their valiant defenders. Defenders are neutralised at random (with some exceptions).

Black Ninja can also Ambush. This is a directed attack against a particular Lord rather than a specified square so it is more guaranteed to find its mark. However, an Ambush always fails if the marked Lord chooses to spend the night barricaded indoors. If you will, the Ambush is a sort of "homing attack" that won't always work but otherwise works just the same as an Attack.

When Samurai are neutralised they are dead and lost from the game.

When Black Ninja are neutralised it is only for one night; they are powered by evil sorcery and other black magicks that allow them to come back to life to do their evil master's bidding the following night.

When a Lord is killed, his Samurai will discover his death in the morning and commit seppuku (ritual suicide) in shame, effectively removing themselves from the game. His other retainers (e.g. Red Ninja, Sorcerer) will also be removed from the game.

Red Ninja work the same as Samurai except that they are only revealed if all other Defenders are killed and then they act as a Defender just as normal. Red Ninja cannot Attack or Ambush and if they are neutralised they are killed out of the game just like Samurai. Red Ninja will default to Defending their own Lord.

Special Pieces and First Player Deaths

There are some special Samurai pieces that are initially outside player control. The Palace always has the elite Palace Guard and the Temple always has Warrior Monks (Sohei).

The Palace Guard comes under the control Shogun when he is elected and invested and act like any other Samurai unit, including being lost from the game if they are neutralised.

The Warrior Monks automatically Defend the elected Shogun while he spends the night in the Temple; they are effectively a "free" Samurai unit for that night but unlike other Samurai they will effectively "regenerate" (due to their massive Zen Buddhist powers or something) to protect future elected Shoguns should that occur. They are never under player control.

Additionally, the first two players to be killed will be able to take control of a detachment of the City Watch. They act like Samurai but can only Defend a specified square. Additionally, if Defenders are to be neutralised then the City Watch will be neutralised first, before any Samurai. Those players can continue to speak as Commanders of the City Watch in the Palace during the day but they no longer have any vote and if their City Watch units are wiped out they are assumed to take their own lives in shame and then be completely out of the game.

Incidentally, if one of those players was actually one of the evil Lords then there's nothing to stop him sending the City Watch to useless places (e.g. the Temple when there's no Shogun there) but if their City Watch detachment are killed then that player still leaves the game (maybe they had to go into hiding or something).

Other Special Circumstances

When a Shogun is elected, he must spend the night in the Temple. This clearly puts him at more severe risk but other players are welcome to dispatch their resources to Defend (or Attack) the Temple if they choose.

Once a Shogun is elected and invested, he is allowed to choose to be in the Palace overnight. However, other players can still not choose the Palace for their overnight stay.

If Black Ninja are told to Attack a building and it is not occupied (i.e. no Defenders and no Lords) then they will burn the building to the ground instead. However, the Temple, the Palace and the Barracks are considered to be always occupied and cannot be raised in this fashion. Once a building is burnt down, it cannot be chosen as a location to stay overnight. Samurai never engage in arson.

If Black Ninja attack a square Defended by both good and evil Samurai, the evil Samurai will not actually count towards the defence of the square, thus artificially swelling the numbers of defenders. It is assumed the evil Samurai have been briefed to get out of the way and let the Black Ninja do their jobs.

Information Gleaned

The Spy Master is given a square to watch each night. He will report on which Lords were present, how many Samurai with what livery (i.e. which Lord they were from) and how many Black Ninja attacked if any. He will only report in the morning so if his Lord is killed overnight his information will never be known.

The Sorcerer is given a square to watch each night. He will report on each Lord in that square as to whether they are good or evil. He will only report in the morning so if his Lord is killed overnight his information will never be known.

Each Lord knows which other Lords were in his square overnight. He also knows which Samurai were in his square overnight and whether they were defending or attacking. He will also clearly know if Black Ninja attack. The player will only receive this information if his Lord lives out the night.

The evil Lords know who their peers are. The good Lords don't know each other, however.

Problems and Benefits

This is somewhat more complex than the Mafia/Werewolf design but should still be playable in the same sort of way, albeit with more orders from more players for the referee to manage.

It is possible that this is too complex, of course...

Each player has more he can do in the game, including attacking and defending as he wishes each night. To counter-act the larger number of actions taking place, the map means that there's a chance such actions do not actually "connect" with their intended targets.

There's also a chance for no deaths to occur for multiple nights or a massive number of deaths to occur in one night.

There's no lynching in this variant, but each Lord can try to take matters into their own hands. However, as there's a straight 1 for 1 unit elimination, attacking only tends to benefit the evil Lords unless the good Lords know something critical.

It's probably essential that the good Lords prevent an evil Lord from becoming Shogun. The Shogun gets the "lynch" power each evening, if he chooses. Similarly, I suspect the evil Lords really don't want a good Lord becoming Shogun... I expect gridlock about this matter for a while, until the deaths start coming.

The evil Lords will be providing the carnage earlier in the game with Black Ninja strikes. Later, the carnage might come from all quarters.

With the option to burn down buildings, good Lords might choose to defend the Tea House and Inn, but this might expose them to attack directly. Without the buildings, the Lords expose themselves to Ambush attacks, which probably become the staple of the evil Lords from then on.

The length of the game is likely to be quite variable but with the option to burn down the public buildings I'm hoping that the evil Lords should be able to tighten a noose around the good Lords over time, necessarily bringing about the end of the game on their timescales.

There is a risk the game will be over too quickly after setting itself up to run for around a week. I'm hoping that the Samurai "shields" and ability to barricade in and also the addition of the City Guard for the first players out will help mitigate this.

I believe the game will revolve around individual gathering of information, formation of ad-hoc alliances (let's get together and protect each other) and watching for oddities in the deployment of each others pieces.

The day will probably play in a mixture of open declarations and discussion and behind the scenes bartering for assistance. The night is pure action, to be revealed in the morning.

How Can You Help?

That's one long post. If you could read through and apply your brains to figuring out serious issues before running it as a game then I'd appreciate it.

Or, of course, you can just say that you'd love to play... :D


Junior Administrator
Re: The Ninja Game - design [long]

1) I'd love to play.

2) That sounds like a massive headache for the narrator.

3) I'd like to play

4) The way I see it, there is also the possibility of a stalemate occurring should the lords split into three private factions... (evil and two good) but that sounds like something to be dealt with on the off-chance it should occur.

5) I'd like to play

6) I think that perhaps the narrator (yourself?) would need to (at least for the first two nights or something) state which actions are available to which players in a PM and when... there's alot there, and some people, due to the special units, will have more than one action that they can take.

7) I'd like to play.

8) Either I'm being blind or I don't see anything about what the Building/Recruiting action does...

9) I'd like to play.

...Did I mention that I'd like to play?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Re: The Ninja Game - design [long]

2) That sounds like a massive headache for the narrator.

There are a number of facets to track, certainly. I've run more complex in more punishing convention game environments so I'm not worrying for myself. However, for the purposes of handing the game over (should it work) I'll pull together some resources that I think are useful management tools.

4) The way I see it, there is also the possibility of a stalemate occurring should the lords split into three private factions... (evil and two good) but that sounds like something to be dealt with on the off-chance it should occur.

I think should that situation occur, the good Lords are probably screwed. After all, Black Ninja regenerate. Samurai do not. In that case, unless I can tactically see a way out for the good Lords, I'll declare victory for the evil Lords.

One thing I can avoid with referee-oversight is the dumb scenario where the remain good Lord(s) are running around the map while the evil Lords try to guess where they are. I'll just assume they can stab them in the face when they gather for the day's discussions or something... ;)

6) I think that perhaps the narrator (yourself?) would need to (at least for the first two nights or something) state which actions are available to which players in a PM and when... there's alot there, and some people, due to the special units, will have more than one action that they can take.

Indeed. I was thinking of providing each player with a detailed description, in their intro PM, of what powers they have and how they might be used and a detailed requested at the end of each day stating what I need to know in terms of actions, etc.

8) Either I'm being blind or I don't see anything about what the Building/Recruiting action does...

Yep, you're correct. Never got there.

For the General, I'm expecting something like this:

Night 1: a Lord's Samurai are killed defending the Lord, but the Lord survives.

Night 2: the Lord sends his General to bring more men in under the cover of darkness.

Day 3: the Lord's new Samurai arrive.

Night 3: the Lord's new Samurai can now be instructed as on any usual night.

One Lord may only have one detachment of Samurai Bodyguards at any one time while in the Imperial City. The only exception to this is the Palace Guard that the Shogun receives as a bonus, but I hope that's made clear by them having a different name.

1) I'd love to play.
3) I'd like to play
5) I'd like to play
7) I'd like to play.
9) I'd like to play.
...Did I mention that I'd like to play?

:) Glad to hear it.


Junior Administrator
Re: The Ninja Game - design [long]

The biggest problem I can see is that it depends on ppl being online a lot more and making sure they are about for the game.

I love the concept.
What sort of Ratio are you thinking for good Vs evil. As the Regen nature of the ninja make them fairly formidable, I didn't see it but that could be me not reading somet.

what are the nature of the lords. Can they help in their own defence, do they count as a defender. As surely the ninja know they have destroyed a lords samurai he becomes a very easy target. Save the lord hiding in a building the following night if he has the recruiter he has to wait a day to have any defence.

I'm presuming that ever lord as the same amount of samurai/ninja. ie if one evil takes on one good then the result is a draw. Or is it worth making the good lords inherently weaker than the evil thus forcing them into alliances and opening the game up a bit. You again may have covered that.

Errrr I'd love to play. It will need to be done quiet strictly, as has happened in the past in TWG ppl just aren't about and in this version of the game that would ruin it.


Re: The Ninja Game - design [long]

would love to give one of these a try..but they seem to complicated to me =/

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Re: The Ninja Game - design [long]

The biggest problem I can see is that it depends on ppl being online a lot more and making sure they are about for the game.

It's hard to manage that, I agree. I think that game intensity can assist as the higher intensity Werewolf games had a higher player activity and attendance than the lower attendance Mafia game.

I could, of course, use my formidable Rep Power to deliver negative Rep slaps to those who don't turn up without prior warning / fair reason.

What sort of Ratio are you thinking for good Vs evil. As the Regen nature of the ninja make them fairly formidable, I didn't see it but that could be me not reading somet.

1 in 4 (i.e. 1:3) is my loose expectation. I might cap the evil Lord numbers at 3, though, even for a larger game, because large numbers of Black Ninja might prove to be too much.

what are the nature of the lords. Can they help in their own defence, do they count as a defender.

I'd wondered about this.

If a Lord is given the Defend power (i.e. counts as an extra Defender) then that might be okay but the system I've proposed is that 1 Attacker neutralises 1 Defender and vice versa, so if there is an equal number of each they'll kill each other and the Lord dies anyway.

This would probably only help other Lords in the same square.


3 good Lords are in the Market along with 2 Samurai Bodyguards.

3 Black Ninja attack the Market.

Under the rules of the original post, 2 Samurai neutralise 2 Ninja, leaving 1 Ninja. The last Ninja kills all 3 good Lords.

If Lords have the Defend power, however...

2 Samurai neutralise 2 Ninja. 1 Lord neutralises the remaining Ninja. 2 Lords survive. The Lord who dies might be random or I might make it semi-random... maybe the Lord who doesn't have Samurai in that square is the one who dies first, thus meaning that the other Lords actually feel the benefit of the Samurai they had there (assuming the 2 Samurai were actually belonging to the Lords in that square).

The first scenario makes for a potentially very brutal game, at times. That might be good.

The second softens the brutality but really exposes those Lords.

I'd wondered about giving the Lords 2 Samurai each, or allowing Samurai to regenerate very slowly, but the game probably will move too fast for Samurai regeneration to be useful.

I don't necessarily think that TNG is any less brutal than Mafia/Werewolf, just that it has more options and more opportunity for alliance bartering.

I'm presuming that ever lord as the same amount of samurai/ninja. ie if one evil takes on one good then the result is a draw. Or is it worth making the good lords inherently weaker than the evil thus forcing them into alliances and opening the game up a bit. You again may have covered that.

The evil Lords are inherently stronger in terms of attack power as they get two pieces with the Attack power. Sure, they probably don't want to expose themselves initially by sending their Samurai (who wear their Lord's colours proudly, to do otherwise would be dishonourable) to Attack, but their Ninja can attack with impunity each night.

The good Lords' hopes are in surviving the first couple of days and gathering enough information to identify a good candidate to be Shogun. Alternatively, in convincing their fellow good Lords to the evil nature of other Lords and arranging night-time assaults on their locations.

Hmm... actually, just realised that the good Lords don't know where the evil Lords are going to be and can't use the Ambush power (as Samurai don't have that power) to hunt them down either... that could be a problem. Let me think on that...

Briefly, that could be mitigated by reducing the number of evil Lords to a 1:4 ratio, again capped at 3. More Lords, more chance of choosing safely and protecting each other with a dwindling Samurai resource.

Ah, see, this is exactly why I wanted to open this up to questions as it forces me to approach problems I might not otherwise have seen. :D

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Re: The Ninja Game - design [long]

they seem to complicated to me =/

This one is much more complex than the previous ones. I'm sure someone will be running a more vanilla version before too long if you fancied waiting. Or you can throw yourself in at the deep end, of course. :)


Junior Administrator
Re: The Ninja Game - design [long]

would love to give one of these a try..but they seem to complicated to me =/

Have you read it through thoroughly as if so then it does make sense. If not go back and do that before commenting.

My thought was maybe you could have some kind of lord ability based on say what they are trained as while growing up. My thinking being that you as narrator assign each good lord a basic skill. This needn't be as complicated as it may sound. As a start you could have 3 things that the lord is maybe good at as assigned by you. You could have a defensive lord (ex-general or whatever), that lord would be able to have a basic defence of himself,
ie. if attacked by a ninja and a samurai he'd be able to defend himself against the samurai but no the ninja, or somet like that. you could maybe have one who has the power to either heal or speed up the recruit process, with no defensive power.
errr i can't think of a third at the mo. I don't think it makes it more complicated and it would force alliances as you could have a defence lord creating an alliance with a medic lord.

Or have i massively over complicated this.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Re: The Ninja Game - design [long]

My thought was maybe you could have some kind of lord ability based on say what they are trained as while growing up.

In a sense, that's where I was taking the idea of providing the Lord with resources (e.g. General, White Ninja, etc) but your idea is sound none-the-less.

One thing I'd like to avoid is providing players with too many powers so that, theoretically, they can play again in future, receive different powers and find fun in experiencing the game differently (quite aside from the fact that the game plays differently each time round).

I'm keen to hear about different types of powers. Healing may just be a variant on Recruiting for the purposes of this game. Then I'd look to include a piece that could have that power.

Either way, I'm starting to like the idea that the Lord himself has a Defend power so that one extra squad of Black Ninja can't just wipe out all the Lords in one fell swoop.

That said, I'm growing a little concerned that there is only one viable tactic on the first night: hide in the buildings to prevent Ambush from working.

Maybe Samurai need to regenerate through this game and the General just brings that regeneration up to the same speed as Black Ninja, where otherwise Samurai are out for one day and one night but ready for the following day...?

Then there'd need to be more evil Lords so that the attacks were deadlier...



Re: The Ninja Game - design [long]

wasnt commenting...was just saying these types of things seem to complicated for me...if someone could walk me through it or give me very very very simple insructions..ill give one a go...

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I guess that the length of the first post has dissuaded anyone else from reading/commenting, then?


Sorry, I kinda forgot to post in here :D It sounds good and I'm up for a game of it. I'll probably suck, and the confusion of all pieces might make the first game a bit rubbish, but then my first game of BF2 was rubbish! It's a learning experience!

Assuming not too many people get put off by the complexity, it should be a laugh.


In Cryo Sleep
id like to play!
but on the side: you could (stress the could im an icle child) include like a dojo with a master who can say defeat 2 ninja. and rather then someone controling him stick him in a random square and he'll defend anyone in there from attack.
he could be a righteous dude who will only fight the evil lords dark assassin so refuses to kill his fellow samuria be them good or evil. or you can have him destroy anything aggressive

edit: if that idea seems stupid blame Kengo: master of bushido :p i was playing it earlier