The nostalgia


Active Member
Guys, lately I've been overcome with some sort of WoW nostalgia. I've run my hunter through most of Kalimdor dungeons (RFC, WC, RFK, RFD, ZF and the whole DM so far, intend to do all I can on both continents), read a little about the AQ and related events... I came to realize the vast difference between what we play now and what was played back before TBC and, to my surprise, I miss those days a lot. I didn't have a single 60 when TBC hit so I haven't actually experienced those things, but still I miss the elaborate dungeon designs and lore (say, Dire Maul and its "tribute runs", Onyxia and putting up the head in Orgrimmar, whatever), extensive events (opening of the Gates of AQ - I would have SO loved to be a part of something as epic as that!), 40man raiding chaos, battlegrounds like Alterac Valley with rich PC-NPC interaction and organized efforts... I don't know, I just feel that although the players were given a number of funky spells to play with and items with stronger bonuses on them, something was lost with the expansions. Now, what are your thoughts on that? I would love to hear from people that actually played extensively pre-TBC what do they think about this shift, but also from people like me that "were not there" about what do they think about this whole issue...

Also, along the lines of what Fae suggested some time back, I'd love to visit some of the places like Onyxia's Lair, Molten Core or even AQ20/40. I know Onyxia can be twomanned or even soloed nowadays, I've heard about people 5manning the AQ40... If anyone was interested in an adventure like this I'd love to give it a go.

That's about it, I know it's not well-structured post and my thoughts pour out randomly, but better than nothing I hope...

Well, good night, peeps.



Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

Well, we've been doing that stuff off and on for like ever... :) I just did Onyxia a couple of days ago, and I also got my Jenkins title...

You have three options, the way I see it:

1) Create an event and see who pops up
2) Try to coax and goad people into doing an impromptu run, some time
3) Stay sharp and keep your eyes and ears open for an opportunity to join someone else's oldie run

Either way you go about it, I guarantee there'll be interest. Mine, for instance! ;) The hard part is just coordinating it, really...



Well-Known Member
I don't miss it, sadly. 40 man raids were fun intially but when 1 in 40 people can cause a wipe it gets old fast (and also encourages elitism within the guild i.e. that player isn't good enough lets find a better one).

Dried up from raids by the time TBC came out. Never raided since.. though admittedly I did try kara before giving up the ghost. And quite liked romeo and juliet and stuff like that.

If you're gonna do it, don't bother with MC. You need people with the waters from hydraxian waterlords to get rags to pop. A big pita and iirc need 7 or 8!


Junior Administrator
I believe that the stuff preventing us from getting at Raggie will be removed soon...


Active Member
Hah, good good, I will get my Anathema/Benediction for Ange and the bow for Ohmy :)

Hm, time to give her the final push to 80 :-/

But say, has anyone been around for the AQ events? And do you know who has the Scarab mount on SSC? I'd like to see it :)


Junior Administrator
Hah, good good, I will get my Anathema/Benediction for Ange and the bow for Ohmy :)

Hm, time to give her the final push to 80 :-/

But say, has anyone been around for the AQ events? And do you know who has the Scarab mount on SSC? I'd like to see it :)

It was an Alliance guild called Martyrium. I don't know what character exactly.

They fucked up the whole event for the rest of the server. Which is why for a VERY long time they were and still are KoS if any of the remnants of that guild are seen around.


Well-Known Member
I think the one who got the Scarab was the GM of Martyrium, Hitokiri. I don't think they're on SSL anymore though.

The only way now to see the AQ event would be to roll a character on a new realm, so far all of the new ones have been closed to transfers, and the AQ gates closed. It would be a hell of a grind though... :)


Well-Known Member
For those that'd like to know, these are the changes they're making to the old pre-BC content in the coming patch:

-UBRS will no longer require three people to summon the first boss, and thus if you have the Seal of Ascension to get into the place, you can now solo or duo the place without dragging others in

-Molten Core will no longer have you need to bring Aqual/Eternal Quintessences in order to douse the runes around the dungeon. Right-click using them will do the job now, meaning anyone that can clear the other bosses can get at Executus and Raggie

-All Reputation earned from killing things will be the same at all levels, so 80s can effeciently farm Hydraxian/Brood/Timbermaw/whatever reps happily. Also helps with BC rep in dungeons.

There might be more, but those are the main ones off the top of my head.

I think the one who got the Scarab was the GM of Martyrium, Hitokiri. I don't think they're on SSL anymore though.

The only way now to see the AQ event would be to roll a character on a new realm, so far all of the new ones have been closed to transfers, and the AQ gates closed. It would be a hell of a grind though... :)

Yes, it was the Martyrium (*spit*) GM who got it, and if memory serves, he left this realm in a self-righteous huff, claiming to be "everyone's scapegoat".

And the Nozdormu rep grind is hellish right now, trust me. I'm doing it on Ari -_-


Active Member
Sooo, anyone of you elders cares to elaborate on what went wrong with the Gates and Martyrium? This is very interesting topic for me, I'm new to this place and it's like learning history of the world I live in, only when you can actually participate on changing it too :)

Also, if those changes go live (and they will) I'll SO make you all run the old-world raids with me ;)


Junior Administrator
Basically Martyrium managed to be the first guild on the realm to get all of the rep and whatever else was needed (I'm sure Ari will elaborate) together so that they could start the 10-hour event that heralded the opening of the AQ gates.

That would have been ok but they then decided that they wanted the event for themselves instead of sharing it with everyone else on the server. So they wouldn't tell people when they were going to bang the gong and start the event off.

IIRC they did it late one night (so it went on overnight) and ALOT of very pissed off people missed out on the experience because these people decided that they wanted to be a bunch of selfish fucks. Hence why everyone hates them.


In Cryo Sleep
Selfish allies, the worst kind of allies i can imagine..

or are pink-haired gnome deathknights worse?


In Cryo Sleep
When i get back home you can count me in for some of those pre-TBC raids, but also some of the ones from TBC if you can use a healer :P