Junior Administrator
For your eating pleasure...
Yes, people - it's that time once again. We've not had the great cheese debate for a while now, and because Piacular and Big D have reminded me of this, it's time to bring it up.
What is your favourite type of cheese, and why?
Do you even like cheese, and why?
Are you annoyed by the incessent question asking and self-answering?
Answers to these questions, and more, coming up...
I have to say that my favourite type of cheese is Mature Highland Cheddar. I got some of this a few weeks back and it is the most delicious stuff you've ever tasted - seriously. Unfortunately when I went back to the shop to get more there was none left! Nooooo....
So let's hear your thoughts.
For your eating pleasure...
Yes, people - it's that time once again. We've not had the great cheese debate for a while now, and because Piacular and Big D have reminded me of this, it's time to bring it up.
What is your favourite type of cheese, and why?
Do you even like cheese, and why?
Are you annoyed by the incessent question asking and self-answering?
Answers to these questions, and more, coming up...
I have to say that my favourite type of cheese is Mature Highland Cheddar. I got some of this a few weeks back and it is the most delicious stuff you've ever tasted - seriously. Unfortunately when I went back to the shop to get more there was none left! Nooooo....
So let's hear your thoughts.