[Tech] The PC is Dead! Long live the PC

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Really interesting article, thanks for posting.

Comments (for once, on the web) were well worth a read.

I'm not convinced that the PC style desktop computer is dead, but certainly, more and more people are not going to require them for general work.

In some ways, I think it's going to be a straight up fight between taking your device around with you (i.e. tablet, phone, whatever) and plugging it in to a dumb workstation environment (monitor, keyboard, mouse) and cloud-based stuff, where everywhere has dumb terminals, you log in and all the processing is done externally, everything saved online except maybe a few backups (dropbox with power) and all that sits on the desk, again, is a keyboard, mouse and monitor with a usb port.

Not much difference between the two in a lot of ways really.

I can see the 'taking your own module' as being somewhat more effective in large areas of the world with poor internet connections though.

Just my, as usual uninformed, opinion.


Active Member
Viva le Dock'in station.

Like your idea panda, i can see a 2 tiered future from it, those with mobile computing and docking stations, and those who use other people's docks. :D


Article seems to hit the truth.

Mainboard on my PC is from 2007, admitedly I have upgraded everything on it since then (some parts more than once), but I can play anything I want on good settings so upgrading is the furthest thing from my mind.

I was kinda forced not to put my desktop in my main living room as it was an "eye sore". A wireless keyboard and mouse with desktop in 2nd reception room much better. Though I wouldn't have thought this 4 or 5 years ago.