The Photo Captioning Thread


Junior Administrator
The 'Official' Photo Captioning Thread

I had this idea when looking at the BBC news site, and I saw that some of the photos could have good captions added that would make them hilarious. So... post up your pictures in here, with your inserted caption underneath.


"You - you opposed our ID card plans, so we're going to feed you to John Prescott"


"So, these are ripe melons, you say?"


"We've been told docbot is in this area. Do a sweep, and be on your guard."


"...and as you can see, the operation to remove part of my head was a success."


"The annual THN meet left some environmental consequences in the chosen host site... some members still hadn't learn how to operate a bin"


"There was satisfaction when THN discovered a way to dispose of the unwanted copies of trite like The Sims..."


"To all those Windows users out there... I say love and kisses for giving me all your money!"


"The Google team swings into action behind the scenes"


"When I said I wanted a landscaped garden, this wasn't what I had in mind..."


"Meet the new mascot of THN comedy... he's not as smelly as the last one, either."


Junior Administrator

"Nope... it's definitely a case of two left feet"


"EA's patching team gathered to discuss how to dispose of Battlefield 2"


"One man was quite startled to find out that the ATM was, in fact, not a urinal."


"Customers had mixed reactions to Skoda's new offering"


"I'd like it on the record that I emphatically deny that I am a human-peacock hybrid."


"THN said no - again!"


Junior Administrator

"The latest clicky pencil was condemned by critics for being too 'unwieldy' to use"​


"Microsoft claim that the Xbox 360 will use cutting-edge hardware"


"It's just not the same as my pipe"


"I knew better than to open that can of beans... but I did it anyway"​


In Cryo Sleep
Har de har. This was quite funny, more stuff like this for THN comedy please. Ill post up a couple of my own when I get home. Remember my CnC Tiberian Sun piccies, KC? :)


In Cryo Sleep
KillCrazy said:
Oh those were classics! Do you still have them? You have to post them up if you do!

No,man. I lost them :( But ill just install the old Tib Sun and take them again :) Maybe I can improve upon them since my mind was childish and immature when they were conceived, oh wait a minute ... Har har, I guess nothing changes.



Junior Administrator

"Bill Gates' new dating video did nothing to enhance his chances of a candlelit dinner"


"There was a certain amount of shock at the choice of judges of the 'Miss America' beauty padgent - it was later found the judges were using LSD"
