The Return of a God!


In Cryo Sleep
Right guys ive been considering starting back up for some time now!

Basically im in 2 minds and need some convincing ... so its your guys job to convince me!



Staff member
Wait for new content unless you have a fetish for Gear Score debates and admiring the architecture of Dalaran :)


Super Moderator
Staff member
Wait for new content unless you have a fetish for Gear Score debates and admiring the architecture of Dalaran :)

Or you just ignore the Gear Score talk and do ya own thang *giggles* :p

Or perhaps admiring up-close the masterful construction work that went into the floors of the Icecrown Citadel

*Dies* Ooooh. Look at the cracks on the floor. Oh look at the little bug. No. Nooo. Stay away from my nostrils? Uhm. Somebody res me? Please? Like. NOW?