The Return of LX


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

So, we took nine people into AQ20 again, today, and it was much fun! :)

Unfortunately, I had to leave early, but still, nice clearing of the wave event, with not a single one of the NPCs died, and also, I now remember why we skipped Moam last time! :D

Anyways, let's see if we can get this thing back on the regular track, shall we?

Next Tuesday, same place, same time!



Hmm.. a Deathknight and a Paladin tanking side by side. something is that lore needs some explanation :)

Aspirat primo Fortuna labori


Hmm.. a Deathknight and a Paladin tanking side by side. something is that lore needs some explanation :)

Aspirat primo Fortuna labori

Deathknights in general need "Explanation" they suddenly went from serving the Lich King to going "LOL I'Z GOOD 'CAUSE BOSS MAN TOLD ME TO BE!" but *shrug* People adore DK's for some unknown reason.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

Deathknights in general need "Explanation" they suddenly went from serving the Lich King to going "LOL I'Z GOOD 'CAUSE BOSS MAN TOLD ME TO BE!" but *shrug* People adore DK's for some unknown reason.

Actually, all of this is rather understandable.

People used to love DKs because they were the new thing. DKs have now largely fallen out of over-favor, and you'll see them about in just about the same proportion as any other class. The same thing happened to horde paladins in TBC. :)

As for the lore part, I did quite enjoy the quest line that introduces DKs as playable characters. I thought they did a good job of explaining the breakaway. The only thing I find kind of lame is that DKs will still go head to head PvP if their races belong to different factions, even though when they're up at Ebon Hold, they're all friendly and shizz... :rolleyes:

Besides, not all DKs left the LK. You come across a bunch of them in Icecrown quests, for instance...
