The Rules of Raiding (ALL raiders read)

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Well-Known Member
Brief Introduction:

This thread is, effective immediately once posted, the new rules that all raiders must agree to and abide by in order to raid with The Haven. Anybody currently ranked at Trial Raider or above who does not agree with these rules should indicate that this is the case, so that we can put you down to Community until such a time as you're okay with the rules.

Important: this thread may be updated from time to time. It shall be bumped when anything important is added, so keep an eye out.

Also important: ALL times listed below are UK time! This means that if you are in a different time zone, adjust accordingly! (just add an hour to get server time). Inconvenient? Tough, all but one of the officers are in the GMT time zone :p


By being a raider you accept that you must sign up to every main raiding event. This excludes such things as LX raids, Alt runs and "fun runs", but includes any that we mark as gearing or progression. A "no" signup is required in the event of no attendance, not signing is not good enough. People who fail to sign, depending on the frequency with which they have done so, will become lowest priority to take to that raid if they do show up, and either become lower priority for being brought to the next raid they actually sign up for, or be outright not taken for a per-case-determined period of time (even if this means that we'd have to look outside of the guild to fill their spot).

Where possible, in-game calendar reminders will be put up for the raids once the forum sign-up has been posted, but this shouldn't be always expected, and shouldn't always be necessary.

Important note: If you have some sort of trouble with signing up to the events on the forums, make sure that the officers are aware of this! We will attempt to work around such problems as your ISP being utterly rubbish for browsing and so on.

Raid Formation

Each raiding day, at 6:30pm UK time, an Officer or Veteran from among those signed up will be chosen to be the raid leader. Once the decision has been made, this shall be announced in guild chat and probably on Teamspeak, so people know who is leading the raid, and what the intent for that night's raiding is. People then have until 7pm UK time to be online on the correct characters, prepared for the raid, and ready to either help with summons (if requested), or at least ready to BE summoned.

7pm will be the absolute deadline for raid formation. People who are online will be chosen for the raid, first based on those who are signed up as Yes/Yes Late/Maybe, with the primary emphasis being on making the group work, a secondary emphasis on trying to get people in if they've missed out lately, and a tertiary one on things like sign-up order if there's still a choice.

The raid leader's decision is final.

If there are spaces left after that, they can be filled with suitable non-signers who are online (they won't be given priority unless they fill a critical role). Any further spaces left after ten to fifteen minutes (at the latest) will be filled with out-of-guild friends and, if necessary, PuG'd people. Raids will no longer wait around for great lengths of time for people to show up, nor will they be hampered by taking an inadequate guild member when they can succeed with an out-of-guilder.

People who were signed up but turn up late, and people left over from the signups will be the first choices for replacements, but we shall not expect them to wait around on their appropriate characters (although they should be contactable if they wish to be a reserve, obviously).

During the Raid

Leadership of the raid will lie solely with the raid leader. During the raid, they will be given Priority Speaker status in the TS channel being used. Anyone who tries to talk over or openly contradict the raid leader outside of whispers shall be told to cease and will be marked down for their behaviour, as will anyone else with disruptive behaviour (this does not include simple under-performance).

Further expanding on this, the raid leader can and will single people out for under-performance (note: not for low DPS and the like) or errors during a raid; at first in whispers, but if problems persist, voiced admonishment and instructions via Teamspeak and/or raid chat. This might seem harsh, but there is no point in wiping repeatedly because of one's person's mistakes when a little firmness can hopefully correct them (obviously this does not mean there should be nastiness, and nobody should go overboard).

Important: this should be left up to the raid leader. Nobody else should be jumping in and telling people they're doing it wrong.

If someone continues to fail to follow instructions, then unless there is good reason or explanation for this, the person in question shall be replaced (obviously, this shouldn't apply if the learning curve is exceptionally harsh; people will only be replaced if it is believed that it is a necessary measure for the raid at hand).

If someone has to drop from a raid and a replacement is required, the decision is the raid leader's and is final. If a swift replacement cannot be acquired and the raid would otherwise stall, out-of-guilders shall be acquired. The aim is to keep the raid going, and this is more important than the potential of getting another guild member in who may or may not show up or be ready or whatnot.

When it comes to replacements, the raid leader's decision is final.


Under-performance of a DPS/healing/tanking nature will be noted by the Officers and Veterans, so that more precise attempts can be made to help people improve. Whilst I know that not everyone can manage to run damage meters and the like (me being one such person), it is a good idea to try and have one going so you can try and see for yourself if there are problems. However it is not acceptable for people below the rank of Veteran to post damage meters into public channels or insult/demean other people's outputs. Higher DPS does not give you the right to be a dick.

For anyone who is noted down as having caused problems in some fashion, appropriate action will be decided upon and taken by the Officer/Veteran collective (resistance is futile). This could include anything from a private conversation of a guiding nature, up through that person being considered lowest priority among the sign-ups during the formation of the next raid, all the way to a fixed-term suspension from the raiding roster. We do not want to have to be harsh to anyone, but we will be firm in our attempts to help people improve and contribute more to our raids, with the intent of everyone being able to join us in any raid we set our sights on and being able to feel like a true, full member of the raiding base.


Don't talk over other people, especially the raid leader, unless it is of critical importance.

Idle banter, chit-chat and having a laugh is fine (and indeed, I would personally encourage it) during down time, quiet periods, and sure-thing trash pulls and the like. I will never, EVER try to stamp out the banter and fun spirit of things on a raid-wide basis, but we do require people to put their game faces on and not chatter during times that require focus, such as boss encounters and harder trash.

Everyone other than the raid leader (or someone they have chosen) should be silent during tactics explanations unless required to respond. Do not try to talk over people to correct them; do this via whisper to the raid leader.

In closing

Final part, stated already but stated here again to try and cement it into people's minds:

The raid leader's decision is, you guessed it, final.

If you feel that the raid leader is wrong, you do NOT say this out loud or in public channels. You can (politely and calmly) whisper the raid leader if you have concerns or evidence that is contrary to what they are saying. You will be respectful if you do this.

If you believe that the raid leader or someone else has done wrong and need to complain about it, approach Zooggy or myself either by whisper, in-game mail or forum PM; try to be precise, structured and polite in your complaints, and we will do our best to work out if there is a problem that needs to be dealt with, and then act appropriately.

This is all for now; more may come in the future, or possible updates for the sake of clarification and the like. If this thread becomes too spammy, I shall lock it to responses and, if necessary, remove certain posts (you have been warned).


Junior Administrator
I would like to add, for those with issues using the signup system, please see this thread.

Make sure you follow the instructions in there.

I am going to be keeping track of who is and who isn't signing up for events and if you are having an issue with the events signup system then we need to know about it otherwise your place in raids may be forfeit.


well done officers this is a very welcome thread and i think outlines all the problems we have been having recently ... after the past few weeks i really hope everyone listens and this works.... heres to some fine dam raiding! :0)


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hey, :)

Special Twenty-Five Man Considerations

Twenty-five man raids are quite harder on us for a number of reasons:

1) Lots more demands on our machines, because of more spell effects, more mobiles moving around, etc...

2) Lots more demands on our attention spans, because of more voices on TeamSpeak, more lines of chat, etc...

3) Lots more demands on the raid leaders and officers, because, well, because of everything, pretty much...

Now, The Haven is not a hard core raiding guild, and will never be a hard core raiding guild. That said, we do feel pretty serious about our raiding, and we do want to succeed.

All this means that some stuff which is not only acceptable, but in fact encouraged in guild activities and ten-man raids, are, in fact, not acceptable in twenty-five mans:

A) NO MINI-PETS! Please! Some people are raiding at five frames per second, and it's people we can't really afford to keep out of the raid team. Every little bit helps.

B) Goofing off is not always appropriate! Some times, it's ok, but you have to be quick to pick up on the mood. If you hear the raid leaders or officers call for a stop to goofing, that means no more goofing! If you're unsure whether you're aware enough to pick up on this, then don't goof off at all in a twenty-five man raid.

C) Don't hearth out for any reason unless you have a specific thumbs-up from a raid leader or an officer. The raids we're running nowadays have easily accessible repair options. If you get good loot, congratulations. Wait until the raid is over before you get it gemmed and enchanted, unless you have the mats on you! If your gear was good enough before the upgrade dropped, then it'll be good enough to continue.

Raids are meant to be fun. Some times fun is goofy, some times, fun is serious. Because of their very nature, twenty-five man raids need to lean towards the serious side of fun. That doesn't mean you can't joke about and be light-hearted, but it does mean we have to watch the limits more carefully.

Thank you for raiding with us! Looking foward to downing some bosses with you! :D


P.S. I'm closing this thread for comments. It's a sticky, it's not meant to be a conversation. I will, however, open up a comments thread where people can call me on my bullshit or add whatever other meaningful/less stuff they want.
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