The Scarlet Oracle, Demetria


In Cryo Sleep
For all those interested in doing the quest for the scarlet oracle, demetria.

I'd like to organise an event to do this on Tuesday 14th Nov at 8PM. Its a 5 man attempt. So if there is anymore than 5 people we can always split up the groups. The extra help would definitely be needed.


New Member
If the quest you are talking about is to kill the Scarlet oracle, then I am afraid that a 5 man group will be wiped in seconds. This is a +20 man raid quest. 10 to take down the oracle, and 10 to keep the escorts busy enough for the other group to do their thing.

I also have this quest in my bag, and would love to be rid of it as well, but this on needs planning.


In Cryo Sleep
strange... we'd tried it with 5 and almost succeeded.. only thing that screwed us up was the scarlet courier arrived by chance as we were almost finishing her off. Well if we can get alot of people interested lets do it!


New Member
Fair enough. I have been told different, but lets try it with 8 to 10 ish, and LFG for more if the first couple of tries dont work out.


Well-Known Member
I have to kill the Scarlet Courier, which I believe is the prereq for this quest, but I'll help; and it'll only take 10, I similarly nearly managed when I helped a 5 man group.


In Cryo Sleep
I've added this event to the calender. Get yourself signed up there too. Linked it here for discussion


Well-Known Member
Sorry, couldn't turn up :(

Damnit, been wanting to do this one as well... if I remember rightly there is a disgustingly good bow/gun for a reward...


In Cryo Sleep
Well the event was a success for those that turned up. We got a bit of help from another group and everyone was able to take down demetria. Whoop!

Thanks to all that attended.