the silly little things!!


In Cryo Sleep
ok so i am at work from 9-5 every day and i use the school internet service which is all well and good except it has some really silly sites blocked like..



and sites with video load all the page except the space where the video would be !!

it so annoying.

Thankgod THN is not barred!!

So what annoys you about the internet you use either at home or at work?


In Cryo Sleep
At work, we have a shared connection for the whole of the paisley site and at lunchtimes when everyone is browsing the thing goes slower than standstill

Fuzzy Bunny

They decided to block Google at work :( I could only do normal searches before, but now I can't even do that.


In Cryo Sleep
i have founs a funky way around alot of my problems by using a sub window to do my browsing it dosent seem to ahve as many restrictions!! but as soon as i try to watch a video it flips out and closes the window!!



In Cryo Sleep
our school was sponsored by yahoo and blocked google, it dosent make much difference but googles page is much easier to use, much less clutter.

Oh, and where a search engine brings something up and it has absolutely nothing to do with what you want, im no idiot, i know how to search, but try typing in "Download RPG maker 2003" and see how many pages it takes to find what you want.


In Cryo Sleep
thatbird said:
i have founs a funky way around alot of my problems by using a sub window to do my browsing it dosent seem to ahve as many restrictions!! but as soon as i try to watch a video it flips out and closes the window!!


Me and my mates got round the security block by using the gang-speak translator. All the pages were in black man speak (excuse my blatant racism) but at least it worked. Cant remember the URL now though.


Staff member
Just use one of the online translators to translate the page from any language to english. It'll bypass the restriction the same way, but be readable :D