The Strat Baron 45 min run


New Member
Most of you will have heard of the Stratholme 45 minute Baron run by now. Its legendary in its near impossiblity, so its a massive congrats to Secord who completed it over the weekend (albeit it was his 20th or so attempt).

The main reason for doing this run through the undead side of Strat, is not loot or even cash because you wont get either. Its all about upgrading your Dungeon set 1 gear to the tier 0.5 set (ie Valor > Heroism for warriors).

The problem that arises from this time consuming journey is very basic... Is it worth the effort?

Some say definitely, some say the hundreds of gold and possibly hundreds of hours you require to upgrade your set is a big joke. Please remember you have already had to do multiple runs in BRD/LBRS/LBRS/STRAT/SCHOLO just to obtain the original set. Oh and dont forget that this is just 1 part of a very very long chain of quests. An interesting opinion can be found here.

I personnaly will be doing the armour set upgrade in full when I eventually get all the seperate pieces. I am relishing the challenge, and have already done the upgrade on 3 out of the 8 pieces. But apart from myself and Secord, will there be anybody else considering doing this in the future?

Please feel free chatter away on the subject.


Junior Administrator
I will probably be giving it a damn good go. Sounds like fun! Ok so maybe in some people's eyes it isn't worth the effort, but the whole point is that it is something to aim for once you are 60, in my opinion. And I think it will be fun to get this all done with you guys.


In Cryo Sleep

It probably was about twenty runs in total. I would say 4-6 to get the baron to drop the leggings, then another 12-14 for the actual 45 minuter itself.

Of those 12-14 maybe only 3 were actual full runs. A bad pull at the start would often mean a quick reset and try again. However it is entirely possible with a robust group, and decked out in 20 man raid gear is not required.

There are three essentials though.

Group composition must include at least one warrior, one priest and one mage (or aoe still class). High dps is necessary for the rest.

Bring excess potions and bandages. By excess I mean approximately 10-20 of each of the main ones for your class.

No looting. Maybe just boss loots, but they have to be ultra quick.

If you like I can take the guild and show them the route, which mobs to skip and the like.


Well-Known Member
I'll likely do it just for the hell of it; I've found pieces of armour that are better than various pieces of my Beaststalker armour set, but I've also not gotten rid of any pieces of the Beaststalker set; I've kept the lot, apart from the bracers, which are now the Beastmaster Bracers (the 0.5 upgrade).

I'll likely get around to the upgrading pretty soon, seeing as I've somehow managed to start making cash rather fast... AV is awesome for cash, strangely enough.


In Cryo Sleep

By the way zarko. Martyrium ninja'd open the gates at the weekend. If it's any consolation none of us got the chance to see it either, and the war event was pretty ineffective if not a fairly coordinated raid.

Sorry guy.


Well-Known Member
Meh, the post-war quests are all there now, and I'll see the opening on my Darkmoon Faire alt, even if I have to do the damned sceptre quest myself (and trust me when I say that quest is one of the queen-bitch of all quests)