The Unofficial Official Sig-Off Thread


In Cryo Sleep
After discussing and conferring with Traxata in the shoutbox, I've decided to start another sig competition. I think BiG_D tried to get one going a while ago, but it never really took off much, mainly because very few people participated, or at least the people who did never got round to making one.

Anyway, the reasons I want to get started on a new one are:

- I like sigs. Fairly easy to create with the right tools, but very stylish when you get it to go right.

- I'm not very good at them and I'd like to get better.

- Sigs are very stylised, personal pieces of art, usually incoporating something that the artist identifies with. In that respect, it's nice to see other people's concepts and designs.

OK, the aim of the game is to put your all into a sig (or any number of sigs) and post them up here. Once we've got enough sigs to start the competition, I'll make another thread with a poll where THN members can vote for their favourite. The sig with the highest no. of votes wins. I'll give you rep, but probably the most important thing to take away is the pride! :p

Rules: You can use any tools or software you like (Photoshop, Bryce, Flash, 3D Studio max, whatever...), there arent really any restrictions. I only ask that the sig is your own creation, nobody elses. Please don't ask one of those online sig-maker guys (a la Trax ;)) to make one for you, it spoils it. That said, if you yourself make a signature for somebody else, and you're impressed with it, it's fair game.
Oh, and no ludicrously gigantic sigs; you should be able to work out what's reasonable and what isn't.

Right, now with all that said, the likelihood is that nobody'll end up making any and it'll fall through :p in that event, I'll continue to use this thread (as can anyone else) as a repository/gallery for finished sigs.

EDIT: One last thing! I've already committed the sin twice myself, but if possible please remove your own sigs from your posts to save the thread from becoming cluttered. danke!

Okay! Hope to see some people putting an effort in!


Staff member
I've got my old ones...




meh. once I get a new hd I'll make some new ones.


I used to quite enjoy making sigs, although I've sort of drifted away from them and not made one in a little while. I'll post a few of my old ones here and who knows I might even make a new one just for this occasion :D.

I can't get into my Photobucket justnow :/ so I'll just post a few I uploaded on the THN gallery:






In Cryo Sleep
Thanks DocBot! Christening the thread with the mysteriously ... hypnotising ... eye .... *shakes himself out of it*

And Macca, those are awesome! Love the top two, especially the second-top, thats immense!

Keep 'em coming folks, we'll make something out of this yet.


Junior Administrator
I guess all I can really say here is "Damn all you artisticy types"

I wish I could do some of this stuff but I never have the time or inclination to learn anything decent, and I'm also highly self critical and never think anything works. Give me a camera on the other hand and I'm happy as larry :D


Actually that gives me an idea, might see if i can do some crazy photography and filters and end up with something cool. It might fail who knows!


Staff member
My sig counts as a submission, I guess! Even if it is just a plain, boring, userbar ripoff.


Junior Administrator
Here's a few i made earlier ;)

will be making a new one for bob, and if he tries to take credit for it, I'll replace it with a simple "My Name is Bob, i am Stupid" logo :D"





This one is for my website ( when i finish creating the new page .. )



Junior Administrator
Ok, I've updated the Wombat sig ... as that was my old name ;) and alas ... not exactly unique :(



Those are mint wish i could do them. If anyone like they could make one for me :D i would much appreciate it!! If any takers for the challenge i would either like a C&C one or my definate request of a Metal Gear Solid style one they is my favourite:). PM me if anyone decides to do one for me.


Hmm thought I'd add a few more of my sigs here.


A banner I done for an allaince on ML

A Gift I made for someone on Bratz designs.


Junior Administrator
Macca, can you link me the place you get your brushes / fonts etc ? :D i keep running into dead ends >_>


Yeah I already know that, It was for a clan in ML, and they already had their name spelt wrong. I just copied and pasted their desired text :p.

Traxta, I don't really use many Brushes in my sigs except really the default ones for smudging etc. Most of my sigs are c4'd and filters. However I do use some brushes on my Grunge sigs.

However a copy of my collection of Brushes and Fonts are available here:



A really good site for Resources and things is http://bratz-designs

Hope that helps :).


Junior Administrator
thanks for that Macca :D

However. i now have over 636 different fonts xD

the "Font" Folder totals 495MB !

I'l upload it for those who dare... :D

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I'l upload it for those who dare... :D

Yes please. :)

I do have a bunch of sigs but I've yet to post them. They're on my personal gallery but that's registration only... I'll see what I can do to dig them out.

They have to be personal sigs, for me or others, yes? Not site banners?


Junior Administrator
For the 'competition' yes, but you can feel free to show off your art work anyway ronin :D

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Here's a selection of my user banners:





That's a quick submission.

Also, thrown together a bunch of site banners over the years. I've opened my gallery up to anonymous viewing so you can view those at the link below:

[edit]Ah, yeah, but the base for the fourth one is probably DocBot's work so maybe shouldn't be a submission...[/edit]