
In Cryo Sleep
Ok, so i was cruising the CAD forums and found a zombie survival thread, so i thought... what the hell why dont i start one and get voted president.


It goes like this, Jillian maceath (sickly healthy eating person) has mutated the entire world via her organic foods. You, living where you live have just discovered the level of the infection,to make it harder these zombies arent completely stupid, they can climb, open doors, but can't use weapons. You must find supplys and find a way to make as much points as possible, after wave one (this post) there will be wave 2, which will be more deadly...

Points are awarded for...
1). Surviving zombie hoard for 24 hours - 1
2). Surviving zombie hoard for a week - 2
3). Saving 5 or more of the THN clan (with method) - 5
4). Finding a zombie effective killing weapon - 2 (maintainability) -1 (Cleverness)
5). Saving the entire planet (with method) from a hoard of 10000+ zombies - 10
6). getting the girl (with method) - 3
7). constructing an elaborate and clever base of operations - 2
8). above without using guns - 2
9). being funny - 5
10). shooting piacular with the g36e - 2
11). Having a sequel - 2

Dont ask me how it works, just have a go :)


In Cryo Sleep
right, take steves car go to liz's rescue mom kill stepdad "sorry" run back go to the winchester and have a good cold pint (those who have seen shaun of the dead will get it)


Staff member
Well I immediately do a radio session with a good zombie fighting soundtrack. Then I stockpile radiated apples and cans of heinz' baked beans. And start construction of a snow fortress.


Well-Known Member
Oh i see..

I get my air rifle, and barricade myself in my room, periodically emerging for food and leaning out my window to shoot zombies.


In Cryo Sleep
run into bathroom, so i can shower and poop,bring lots and lots of knives,and my parents guns ,bring weetabix milk and a microwave, chicken and finally pepper spray


*Grabs loved ones, heads to College's armoury (god know's why we have one) prepares to defend Sixth Form common room using L98A1's and breach-loading single shot Lee-Enfields.

Also raids Balfour on the way, stocks up on food and creme eggs


Also, places charges on the fast cat and the hover. Obviously the zombies will be based on the IOW, we'd better trap them there :p


Gopha said:
right, take steves car go to liz's rescue mom kill stepdad "sorry" run back go to the winchester and have a good cold pint (those who have seen shaun of the dead will get it)

Just posting for reply to this. EXCELLENT film. Simon Pegg is on par with GOD (in comedy). Spaced is funny as hell too!


New Member
DocBot said:
Well I immediately do a radio session with a good zombie fighting soundtrack. Then I stockpile radiated apples and cans of heinz' baked beans. And start construction of a snow fortress.

I suggest the song 'Kung-fu fighting'.

What you immediately do is open a bottle of guiness and finish watching the rugby. When thats done, nick your Dads fast sports car, find yourself an angry mob and beat the un-living s*** outta those zombies. Disband your mob, then get down the pub for a nice quiet pint. Followed by 15 noisy ones :D


In Cryo Sleep
also in reply to my first 1 beat up barman/zombie while listening to queen with snooker cues


Junior Administrator
*Grabs flamethrower and a handy store of infinite ammo*

*Gets ready for a big zombie barbecue*


In Cryo Sleep
First I'd get my white harness (chew on plate zombie boy) on, then select weapons from the armoury, (humm 2 handed sword, polearm or 2 handed axe? Oh Mr thumpy-bane-of-clankies my flanged mace is a must, the arming sword and dagger for some close action :) Then arrange one of the several zombie safety areas round York I've already spied out (I really am not joking, it has to do with a Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto-ryu course in Neuchatel, long story) then fortify and begin the hording of supplies and equipping of zombie killers from the armoury.


In Cryo Sleep
Yes, that vast supply of firearms and ammo we all have stashed away for a rainy day would be very handy indeed, or airguns those stalwarts of brain busting goodness :)