Well as you know I'm really the only THN'er that still plays Browser Based games, and on one of the Inselkampf forums for (THN - The browser based side) one of the guys asked me:
So I have posted a reply on they forums and gave a little information about us. I thought I'd post it up here for shits and giggles and so you could all correct me on how shoddy my information is . Anyway here's my reply:
FullMetal said:Say, I know THN has been around for some time, and it has a website and what not, but does anyone feel like giving me a history? Founder(s) , original members and so on?
So I have posted a reply on they forums and gave a little information about us. I thought I'd post it up here for shits and giggles and so you could all correct me on how shoddy my information is . Anyway here's my reply:
Macca's big Speil said:lol, well I suppose I'm the only one here, that has that info . Well THN was formed in the late 99 or 2000 or something, I can't really remember because I wasn't around at the time. Anyway It started with One Man's dream to create a community that enjoyed Computers, Games, and just generally having fun. That man's name was/is "Haven" (Hence TheHavenNet) anyway he founded this new community called TheHavenNet, and it gathered a few people. Then came this new game called HalfLife, and as such a modification called "Natural Selection". This was a HalfLife 1.6 mod that was based around aliens fighting marines. It was an excelent game, and a lot more members were found in the game. THN bought a server to host their own Natural Selection Server however complications arose on the money side of things and the server was no more. A while later THN managed to get get a new server and it was one of the best NS (natural Selection) servers around, it was quite famous for it's great gameplay and good admins. Anyway things happened and that server died. Servers came and went, and I think there has been a total of 4 so far (Serenity being the latest, and Saratoga before that)(they were all named after spaceships due to Haven's love of cheesy SciFi ). Anyway Serenity died just a couple of months ago, and we are just about to buy a new server.
There were points in THN's history where numbers rose and fell. Most THN'ers stoped playing NS about a year ago, maybe a bit more and have played a miyrad of other games since. In this list of games include:
Counterstrike Source, HL2, Neverwinter Nights, Unreal Tournament 2004, still some NS, Guild Wars, Battlefield 2 and most recently World Of Warcraft.
There are quite a few more but me forgets.
Anyway the major turning point was when Battlefield 2 came out. THN got a good clan going and it was all started by a man called "Phatbambi". Intrestingly enough It was myself and Duren (some of you might remember him from ML and IK) that recruited him one night on Counterstrike Source (the map was cs_cbbl, lol can't believe I remember that) anyway he joined and another one of his friends "Piacular"( he also sort of Co-admins the clan, along with a few others) and they were very keen about putting a competitive clan together to play in EnemyDown. We have and still are playing in this for about a year now, and we're still doing quite good. We usually play on a sunday but not tonight, we have a break tonight .
If you want to see how we are doing in EnemyDown click Here
Anyway now most of THN play WoW, but I don't like it so thats all thats going to be said about that.
About a year and a bit ago, "Duren" (He was the other major admin of THN), started to get interested in a game called MercenaryLords, and got a bunch of us THN'ers to join his allaince in ML called "TheNewHaven" (Now your starting to get the picture ), anyway TNH were pretty succesful in ML, and were right up there with the likes of Pwnt 2(well not really), Globo, Blink Kings, Axis of evil etc. Duren started to get very into Browser Based games, and branched off into games like Inselkampf, Ogame, Travian, Astrowars and perhaps a few others.
So thats basically the story of THN there are probably some bits that I've been a bit hazy on but ahh what the hell it's late, and I'm typing really fast .
I joined THN about 2 1/2 years ago, whilst playing NS. I rember it was T-bone that recruited me (the map was ns_metal aswell I think, isn't it weird how you remember these things ) and I've been with them ever since. I mainly now help moderate the forums, play in the BF2 clan, and have fun in the community.
The forums are now majorly run by "Ronin Storm" another hairy yorkshireman, who has known Haven personally for many (Happy) years I'm sure . He bought a lovely shiny Vbulletin forum for us about a year ago, and he does a lot of work on it. Also admining the forums are "Haven" himself and "Docbot". We also have a lot of Mods (it's a system we work where there mods are usually only asigned to a few forums, basically it makes the forums much tidier and neater.)
So you see you don't actually know the realy THN at all, you only really know of TNH (TheNewHaven) the sort of Browser Branch of the community (which I'm the only THN'er left in btw ). So yeah it's weird how things like this happen.
Anyway your more than welcome to come to the actual HavenNet itself and meet some of the nutcases themselves.
You can find us at: Join up and post a wee hello in "The Welcome Thread".
Well thats about all I have to say, I'll probably post this up on THN just for shits and giggles, no doubt I'll have gotten something wrong or somethings missed out .