TheHavenNet Guild - Members

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In Cryo Sleep
Guild Leader

Eve Starcaller (T-Bone)

Guild Officers

Bart Chaosbringer (BaRT)

Alcippe Dyonysius (SASniper)

Haven Earthcrawler (haven)

Active Guild Members

Ikana Reyne ([THN]Phryxus)

Kill Crazius (KillCrazy)

Mazzieh Mazurov (MazzieH)

Captain Crumb (Tetsuo_Shima)

Gopha Saxonfire (Gopha)

Furigar Elanson (SgtFury)

Pious Persephone (Piacular)

Tactical Ninja (TacticalNinja)

Fervent Apprentice (Carth)

Nimbus Fleur (PhatBambi)

Illusion Vasha ()

Inactive Guild Members

Yeager Gzerah (Duren)

Garrett Masterthief (Dragon)

Vaine Pana ()

Outstanding Invitees

None at present.


Mikloshe Fearless (Ronin Storm)

Tyne Stormcaller ()

ll Lady Integra ll ()

Ziggy Darkeye ()

Thaisa Dark ()


The format for the above is;

Guild Wars IGN* (Name on forums, click to PM user)

This list is correct as of 30/01/2006

*In Game Name
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