There She is!!!!


Junior Administrator
This is a series of 5 flash movies that everyone MUST see.

I saw the first one years ago and was blown away. Recently I checked to see how it was doing and the series has been concluded.

It's a really moving story, made by a Korean bloke called SamBakZa - and the last part actually had me in tears o_O

It's all hosted on Newgrounds for all to see, and these movies have been in the top 10 of all time for a VERY long time.


Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Final Step


Well-Known Member
Saw this first part of this on the other day, had no idea there was a series :eek:

At first I thought it was just a bit nuts, but it grows on you as you watch through them, cheers for finding the other parts, Bloke :D


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

Well, then, part 4 moved me and part 5 made me want to call my wife in the middle of the workday, so... cookie! :)



Well-Known Member
Saw the first one yonks ago, and the second one more recently, only discovered there was more than that about two weeks ago... love the lot ^^