Thermoelectric cooler Peltier


New Member
Hey there,

Looking for some more advice. So I recently added water cooling to my system, but like I said my room gets rather warm, so my cpu (which is being cooled after my GFX card) is still managing to reach 59C when playing bad company. So, I'm think about adding one of these to my build(between CPU and waterblock


Has anyone used one, know anything about them?



Staff member
Know plenty about them but much like Aircon (which uses the same tech) I avoid where possible. Basically it cools amazingly well but the cost is that you double the power required, half for the device to be cooled and half for the cooling itself. So if you're running a 145Watt CPU (assuming no overclocking) then you've suddenly increased your power draw to 290Watts including cooling.

Compare that with the cost of fan assisted air cooling and water cooling and I personally avoid pizo electric devices as they are just not needed or worth it.

Finally and most importantly 59 degrees is nothing for a CPU. Check your thermal tolerances from the manufacturer - for modern CPU's this is often 80-95 degrees. Anything under 70 is usually not to be worried about.

As for your room. Open the window perhaps ... >_<

Having seen your case design there's very little room left over in there so airflow is always going to be an issue for your radiator if you keep it internal. Just make sure you balance the incoming and outgoing fans to keep it as consistent as possible.


Junior Administrator
Yeah 59 degrees isn't that bad to be honest, especially as you are OCing the CPU yus?

Out of interest what are your FSB settings for your overclock. Depending on the chip you may be sitting on the more comfortable side voltage wise that will generally mean it is easier to get a more stable OC but will mean you are making much more heat.


New Member
Yeah 59 degrees isn't that bad to be honest, especially as you are OCing the CPU yus?

Out of interest what are your FSB settings for your overclock. Depending on the chip you may be sitting on the more comfortable side voltage wise that will generally mean it is easier to get a more stable OC but will mean you are making much more heat.

TBH, I'm not sure, I didnt setup the overclock myself. I bought it from overclockers as a bundle. its clocked at 3.2 from 2.66 =)