In Cryo Sleep
Aftaer taking a break for a couple of weeks I shall be coming back to the raid and grabbing it by the balls and shaking it up a little. Now, I am hoping to get everyone together this weekend and get another 25-man going. I also will try and make sure the proposed groups and made available on Thursday night.
There are two plans of what we will be doing should the 25 man group be viable.
Option 1:- Sartharion with three drakes. This will obviously be hard but it's much easier than the ten man version and we will have all night to practise at it. Should it become apparant that we are still laking the ability to do it with three we may move down to two but no less.
Option 2:- The construct quarter of Naxxamas. This is the part of Naxx that is holding us back. So we need to practise the hard stuff while we are most alert and ready leaving us with all the easy stuff ahead.
To that end I want everyone to get fully flasked, gemed, enchanted, glyphed to put out their maximum potential. You have five days to organise it do get to it. The other thing I want everyone to have is at least one, hopefully two pieces of the epic, crafted frost res gear for sapphiron. Ask any of the crafters in the guild and they can be made reasonsbaly cheaply. The guild funds will help you should you need them.
Please vote on which of these two options you would prefer and the winner will take presidence on Friday.
this is all
-- Tuldur
There are two plans of what we will be doing should the 25 man group be viable.
Option 1:- Sartharion with three drakes. This will obviously be hard but it's much easier than the ten man version and we will have all night to practise at it. Should it become apparant that we are still laking the ability to do it with three we may move down to two but no less.
Option 2:- The construct quarter of Naxxamas. This is the part of Naxx that is holding us back. So we need to practise the hard stuff while we are most alert and ready leaving us with all the easy stuff ahead.
To that end I want everyone to get fully flasked, gemed, enchanted, glyphed to put out their maximum potential. You have five days to organise it do get to it. The other thing I want everyone to have is at least one, hopefully two pieces of the epic, crafted frost res gear for sapphiron. Ask any of the crafters in the guild and they can be made reasonsbaly cheaply. The guild funds will help you should you need them.
Please vote on which of these two options you would prefer and the winner will take presidence on Friday.
this is all
-- Tuldur