THN Bf2 Clan


In Cryo Sleep
Hi guys, im new to the group and was just wondering how i go about joining our bf2 clan?

Is everyone allowed to wear THN tags with pride or do i have to apply to someone first?

Thanks for the help, Chumpo


[THN] tags just represent that you're a member of our community, so by joining the forum's you just earned them :p

As for the clan, at the moment we're waiting for the end of the holiday's to get re-involved (although I guess you could say the sunshine is gone)

Just pop along to training, and mince around on t.s alot, and it'll go from there.


Junior Administrator
Unfortunately you picked the wrong time to join our bf2 team... however I believe plans are in the pipeline to renew our interest (and our team) pretty soon.

And wear your [THN] tag with pride ;)


In Cryo Sleep
If you are really interested in joining the clan then ask pHatBambi, he'll explain the situation to you in more detail.