[THN]'s First CoD2 Match Win! :)


In Cryo Sleep
[THN] vs. db

Hooray! The fledgling CoD2 clan notches one win on Haven's bedpost!

It was a 2v2, Psi and Myself vs. 2 db members. Map one was Carentan (theirs), and our map was Burgundy (good choice, Psi!).

Anway, Carentan started off badly at first, we lost 4 straight rounds to the opposition who displayed superior tactical gameplay :p Soon after, we started to find some form and pulled it back to 6-4 to db at the end of the 1st half. 2nd half of Carentan ended up the same score, 6-4 to db, but the standard of play in the 2nd was better. Something to take away from Carentan I guess :p

Carentan final score: 12-8 to db

Our map, Burgundy, was the best decision all night. After winning the bash myself (Psi survived, but he was spectating from the sidelines to create an illusory state of fear, which I took advantage of and hammered them) We chose German first.
Once the real combat started ... landslide. It seemed like db had no communication whatsoever, we were ripping them apart. Psi covering bomb B whilst I covering bomb A. We pulled off some superior shots, and Psi did himself proud with some excellent 1 vs 2 ownage action. My bro took over from me about 2 rounds in though, lol *cough* so technically the superior shots were his. And thus, we won 8-2 :) The second half went just as swimmingly, with some devilishly devious bashes and jump-shots from my bro and good offensive find-em chase-em kill-em play from Psi. End score 2nd half, 8-2 also :D

Burgundy: 8-2 8-2 THN

Overall: 24-16 to THN!!!! Hooray!!!

So, whos up for the next battle? :)

The moral of this story : when in doubt, call upon the younger brother :)


Junior Administrator
Ok so could you possible educate the uneducated... what do you mean by "the bash"?

I would assume it is some way of deciding who starts where or something...

What does it involve?


In Cryo Sleep
Oh, sorry. The bash means exactly what it says - the bash :D

Basically, at the start of each map, the two teams (doesnt matter which side you pick, as long as you are split into teams) face off against each other in a standalone round to determine who gets to choose their team for the first half. In this round, you can only bash (melee attack) with your pistol (pistol only, to eliminate any advantages gained through heavy weapons). The winner of the round gets to pick their side :) Fire any rounds and you forfeit the bash.


In Cryo Sleep
It's propper name is BFT (Bash for Teams)

I just call it 'the bash', its easier than bash for teams. Technically, it doesn't have a 'proper' name, its just somebodys way of determining who picks first. Quite a good way as well, but youd think that Activision could have put in something themselves there.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't put it down to the game company themself to do it, because usualy a player created method is alot easier and fairer.