THN's first instance!


Well-Known Member
I was wondering about our first instance. We're coming up to RFC soon, and when we get 13-18 we could do it. What is your input on this?


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Would be good to try it, Instances are great fun just need a commited time of the week. Plus they are where all the phat loot is.

But I do think we need to slow down our characters a bit. Let some of the others catch up.

Maybe get an alt up to the same level.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
*Checks the ban he installed into Amazon stopping Haven getting his World of Warcraft delivered*



Well-Known Member
It ought to be good. Don't level over 18, because then the things get too easy and you don't get as much XP. Haven and Shadow are going to need to level like mad to get up to 13-18 :p

Ronin Storm

Staff member
It's pretty much why I've gone into pause, completely. I've not logged into WoW for four days. So, never fear Haven and Shadow - we're still around to play with (even if some buggers are screaming off into the distance! ;) ).


Well-Known Member
Ronin Storm said:
It's pretty much why I've gone into pause, completely. I've not logged into WoW for four days. So, never fear Haven and Shadow - we're still around to play with (even if some buggers are screaming off into the distance! ;) ).

10! 11! 12! 13! 14! :D


Staff member
damn amazon and their shonky slowness ... delivery is estimated between yesterday and the 27th ... *keeps waiting patiently*


I stopped playing with my shaman cus i want people to catch up, just levelin my rogue and druid on Kul'thiras... or whatever server it is

Don't care how long it takes to wait... gives me time to level in my studty leave in a few weeks time lol

So anything is good for me