Tim Minchin


Junior Administrator
At work today I met Rob Brydon and Russell Brand's tour manager.

As part of our strictly work related appointment he suggested I check out Tim Minchin as apparently he is going to be the next big thing.

A quick youtube search found plenty of vids.

I personally think the guy is genius.

Him doing some standup

I seriously suggest you have a poke around at the related links as there is some really funny slightly politically incorrect stuff about.

Also I have it on good authority that although a complete slut that Russell Brand is actually a fairly pleasant intelligent bloke when not being an arsehole on crap TV shows.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

"If you're a religious person...
...you might want to pop out for the next five minutes or so..."

:D :D :D



Staff member
Yup he's brilliant alright :D I'm even performing his "inflatable you" at the next party with the choir :D