In Cryo Sleep
So. I hope everyone on here participating in my drive to get a THN presence on LoTRO is enjoying themselves.
Im not a huge amount further into the game than you guys, but heres a few things that ive noticed :
- Do deeds. The turbine points add up and most of them are quite fun, especially the exploration ones.
- Craft - Mega money, theres never alot of stuff on the AH and everything ive crafted has gone.
- Dont get over confident. This is a much harder game than WoW. Ive aggrod two or three things my level and been wiped out in a big way.
- Spend your turbine points. Theres alot of useful stuff out there for not alot of points. Especially auction slots.
- Pace Yourself. This is a seriously immersive and rich game. In my experience it makes for a much more pleasurable experience to take 5 minutes and run around discovering crap. When you get to tasks, these are also worth doing as rep rewards are pretty win.
- Work out what your class needs to do your chosen role from traits and stats. Its worth taking 5 mins with a peice of paper to note down what you need. When you start earning Virtues in a big way (I got 4 or 5 of them yesterday) then its nice to be able to look at your Deeds and think "Oh, awesome, more block". Or "oh awesome, more crit chance". Rather than just equipping the ones with the prettiest pictures (Bex
- Dont accidentally run into a neighbouring zone when exploring. Just dont. Sodding wights. Longest corpse run ever.
I cant answer all your questions, but ive been doing alot of reading up. If you have a question that I cant answer and google doesnt help with, then the LoTRO forums are active and much more mature than the WoW ones.
Im not a huge amount further into the game than you guys, but heres a few things that ive noticed :
- Do deeds. The turbine points add up and most of them are quite fun, especially the exploration ones.
- Craft - Mega money, theres never alot of stuff on the AH and everything ive crafted has gone.
- Dont get over confident. This is a much harder game than WoW. Ive aggrod two or three things my level and been wiped out in a big way.
- Spend your turbine points. Theres alot of useful stuff out there for not alot of points. Especially auction slots.
- Pace Yourself. This is a seriously immersive and rich game. In my experience it makes for a much more pleasurable experience to take 5 minutes and run around discovering crap. When you get to tasks, these are also worth doing as rep rewards are pretty win.
- Work out what your class needs to do your chosen role from traits and stats. Its worth taking 5 mins with a peice of paper to note down what you need. When you start earning Virtues in a big way (I got 4 or 5 of them yesterday) then its nice to be able to look at your Deeds and think "Oh, awesome, more block". Or "oh awesome, more crit chance". Rather than just equipping the ones with the prettiest pictures (Bex
- Dont accidentally run into a neighbouring zone when exploring. Just dont. Sodding wights. Longest corpse run ever.
I cant answer all your questions, but ive been doing alot of reading up. If you have a question that I cant answer and google doesnt help with, then the LoTRO forums are active and much more mature than the WoW ones.