[Tech] TKIP WPA Cracked (wireless encryption)


Junior Administrator
I went to my friends Uni house, and with my iPhone, connected upto the WiFi (it does it automatically).

What I later realised, was that my friend had to type in a WEP key to get online every time she used her laptop, yet, my iPhone picked it up instantly, and somehow bypassed it, I can't work out how, as I didn't type any passwords in..


Staff member
Seems unlikely you were on the same network.

Also, a WEP key wouldn't have to be typed in every time.


Junior Administrator
Seems unlikely you were on the same network.

Also, a WEP key wouldn't have to be typed in every time.

It was the same network, same SSID, the only one in the area.

And yeah, I know they shouldn't have to be typing in the password everytime, but for some reason they had to...