To clear up a little confusion


Well-Known Member
Some people might have gotten a little confused or upset by how I use my two main characters, Lithaella and Arithidrimme, so I'm going to clear a few things up to avoid this in future:

Arithidrimme is my Progression character, and has been since I got her to 80 and reached the melee hit cap (ie the two things that I needed before considering her raid-ready). The two happened more or less simultaneously, and made her ready for raiding as of a couple of days ago.

Lithaella is not my Progression character and I won't take her to raids unless specifically a caster DPS was required for some reason. She was my raid character in past weeks simply because she was my only level 80, and I had no idea when I'd be able to get Ari to 80. Somewhere long down the line, I may switch, but I can't see that happening any time soon, and when I do, I would still only have a single progression character, same as everyone else in the guild. Until then (if it ever happens), Lithy is my PvP character.

To sum that up, Ari will be the one I raid with, not Lithy, and if it changes, Ari will cease to be my raid character.

Now for part where I explain the main reason for this post; more than one person in the guild has apparently complained to other officers about my attendance of Naxxramas with Lithaella despite my stated intent to raid with Arithidrimme when she was ready. I was (and still am, to be honest) offended and upset by this for two reasons. First of all, was it THAT hard to look and see that Ari wasn't 80 (and wasn't exactly levelling rapidly) at the time, and thus unable to raid? And secondly, if you have a problem like that, you can come to me about it, and not go behind my back to remain anonymous. Please note that I'm not asking those people to speak up now, what's done is done.

That's two times now that members of MY guild have really quite upset me since Wrath's launch. I expect it to be the last.

That is all.


In Cryo Sleep
I really gotta agree, I know lately im not the most active person in the world (or the most important, but this is just an opinion). But anyone who complains about a guild leader attending a guilds first raid of the expansion whether it be on main or alt... on this occasion for valid reason.... is just a bit "jealous" (for want of better word) that they didnt get to attend... After all he is GM and to me I would give up a spot any time for the GM on a guilds first even not on a guilds first.

And recently theres seeming to be alot of tension in the guild and the usually atmosphere in /g has decreased in my opinion. Im connecting this with leveling and everyone wanting to fill 10 spots for raids, but I hope when things settle we will be back to pre WOTLK Haven, tbh imo the best crowd of people I have ever been guilded and raided with... Things will settle as more people get gear and more raid runs will happen but please we are a guild and I feel we should act more like that instead of thinkin solely for oneself.

That is my opinion whether you agree or not is your choice :) and Ari I have nothing but respect for you as our GM and have not/ will not go behind your back to complain as frankly I don't see any reason to ;)


Super Moderator
Staff member
As long as we keep good communication. I think things will settle down sooner rather than later.
At the moment, there is bound to be some chaos.
We've been here before. And now it's happening again. So it's rather old news :p
Now that things have been explained. I think we can start puting this behind us and keep going with whatever each of us do in-game.
More raids will come.


In Cryo Sleep
Well im sorry but in all fairness i still feel you totally abused the system!, its the constant and unrelenting total disregard for people other than you !
Im sorry but i may leave the guild over this issue! unless people like Kershan arnt put in there place!....umm...this thred is about Kershan isnt it..? ;)