Top 5.


In Cryo Sleep
As WotLK draws to an end a lot of people are casting their thoughts back over the expansion and thinking of their best bits. This is one of those threads....

During our latest attempts of Mimiron hard mode, I was thinking of my favourite encounters, so here's my Top 5. I was wondering if they would be the same as yours, or maybe totally different....

5)Thaddius - Having not seen the original Naxx, this is the boss that I enjoyed the most from this raid. Raid positioning dependant on a debuff, a nice enrage timer and ofcourse a jump test which at least somebody would fail each time.

4)Professor Putricide - This fight was both challenging and entertaining. The mechanics were built up phase by phase, until all of them made an edge of your seat final panic to get it down before the whole room was under goo, or your own tank killed you with their stacks.

3)Yogg Saron - Excluding hard modes, the final boss of both the most asthetically pleasing instance, and imo the best designed instance of WotLK. Old Gods are the 'big boss' behind everything in Wow, using major lore figures as pawns to do their dirty work. So fighting one face-to-face, or face-to-brain, I think is extremely epic.

2)Mimiron - This for a long time was my favourite encounter. Again each phase introduces a certain mechanic that on its own is very interesting, then they all combine to a phase that has half a dozen things to watch out for. This boss was part of a wall the guild was facing and we had to put together a specific team dedicated to getting it done. Defeating this boss gave me a satisfaction which I had not previously experienced in Wow, and only LK gave a greater satisfaction.

1)Lich King - End of expansion boss, and oh what a toughy. Multiple phases, and the best two abilities that work together I've ever seen. 'Defile spread out: Valkyre group up'. Epic. Also one of the only fights where every single person needs to be focused, since any mistake can wipe the whole raid. A nice change from a dps dying and it making no difference to the attempt success or failure.

Those are my 5.
Thaddius I included since I was actually struggling to reach the target. But, on reflection, it was the fight I was looking forward to the most when walking into a fresh Naxx lockout.

So, any thoughts on what yours are!? :D


Well-Known Member
You might notice a certain theme here...

5) Kologarn; KOL'THARESH! It's giant stone Gandalf with laser-eye-beams, Python-esque Black Knight quotes, and he still isn't 'armless when he's armless; just fun.

4) Mimiron; that fight was a -bastard- but I enjoyed it a lot. The things he says, the animation on the turret as it appears in phase 2, the sheer rediculousity of the final form in phase 4... oh, and the BIG RED BUTTON, of course.

3) Thorim; wait, you... I remember you. Even without that wonderfully silly remix video and the piss-taking of the infamous lines, I actually found the encounter really fun. Didn't have the stress of Hodir or the monotony of clearing Freya's trash, and managed to be fairly epic. Plus, Thorim is just HARD.

2) Lich King; on reflection, I don't really care much for ICC now. Some parts were really epic and fun at first, but that faded. But downing the Lich King? Totally worth all of it. Clear the expansion to epic music and frantic tactics, get treated to a cutscene and achievement spam, and a massive sense of satisfaction and victory.

1) Yogg'saron; the music, the voicing, the massive ramp-in in complexity of the fight... and just the sheer epic feeling you got in the phase 2 > 3 transition if you had the music on. Oh, and the going into the portals to see fragments of the past. Oh, and "I am the lucid dream... the monster in your nightmares... the fiend of a thousand faces... cower before my true form! Bow down before the God of Death!" will NEVER stop being epic for me.

Ulduar is STILL the only true success in Blizzard's raid crafting for Wrath, apart from the Lich King fight. Sarthy was fun and all, Malygos was fine before Phase 3, and the boss fights in ToC were okay, but... bleh. At least some stuff was awesome fun in spite of the fail-all-round elsewhere.

Also: "Shut UP, Sara!" (just went looking for Yoggy sound bites and the first one was the now-long-removed scream Sara used to do when we were in the Keepers area...


New Member
Number 5: The Four Horsemen - divide and conquer :) Entertaining! Wicked wipes or heroic kills, this fight has it all!

Number 4: Faction champions - Sometimes we spend 30 minutes talking about the kill order and then we wiped in 10 seconds :) Ohh this fight was a pain, but it was so much fun!

Number 3: Assembly of Iron - I liked this boss a lot. Wanna kill the giant first or rather the dwarf? The kill order makes the fight and we as a guild struggled to do it for a long time :)

Number 2: The LK - What? LK on number two? Yes, was even doubting it had deserved the number two place cause the assembly is sooooo awesome :D

Number 1: Prof putricide - Good news everyone, the prof is number 1. I like this fight so much! And the comments he makes throughout the fight are hillarious! Downing this one for the first time was soooo epic :)

Hmm, making this list was not hard at all, we need more good bossfights :D


In Cryo Sleep
5-Kologarn. Not that difficult, but you've got to keep paying attention or you're getting lazored. And funny quotes.

4-Thorim. Quite an awesome fight, with the added bonus that the first phase is totally different for the two sub-groups. Also one of those fights where you can't afford to slack off, especially in the gauntlet group.

3-Mimiron. The first three phases are all interesting and the fourth requires you to put them all together-challenging, but so much fun!

2-Professor Putricide. Really a fight where you need to pay attention and be mobile, while not to the point of annoyance. And damn funny. My favourite boss in ICC (bearing in mind I haven't seen the Lich King or Sindragosa).

1-Yogg-Saron. Epic music, fun mechanics and in a beautiful instance. Yoggy's got everything you can ask for in a raid boss. Really one I'd like to try again, just for fun. A fitting last boss for the coolest instance in Northrend.

Hmmm... All but one of them in Ulduar. This further reinforces my belief that Ulduar is what a raid instance should be like.

Oh, and I'll be coming back once 4.0.1 hits, or possibly slightly before that. I want to decide on which of my characters is gonna be my Cataclysm main before Cataclysm hits (which should be the start of december) so I can start leveling to 85 on them asap.

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep

3. Thaddius - I dunno.. when we were the well oiled machine of destruction we usually were, this was an epic fight IMO. But I guess the same goes for all of these, when we're on the top of our game...

2. Freya - Then this fight was fantastic. The co-ordination that we could achieve as a guild in this fight was incredible. It was difficult, and many a wipe was spent there, but I enjoyed the time there.

1. Even more a wipe was spent in Mimiron, but this was definitely one of the fights I most enjoyed in Ulduar. Hell, the train ride TO the encounter was somehow epic. Especially one of the very first raids; I remember losing a Tingham to the wind in a high speed tree accident.

Only put three down, as due to my repetitive absences, I've not had as diverse a raiding experience. ;) Would definitely like to clear more ICC, but I know that's not going to be possible with 4.0.1 coming in soon.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Good to see Kologarn in there :)

To make Kologarn seem even more epic, image this...... You have 25 people all ready to go buffed, potted eaten etc, the Orc main tank steps up adjusts his HUGE shoulderpads (;)) and looks at his huge opponent sizing him up.

"Ok everyone ready?" "I'm going in" He proclaims......

And proceeds to charge right at the boss and off the edge of the ramparts....

I have never laughed so much :D


New Member
Number 4: Faction champions - Sometimes we spend 30 minutes talking about the kill order and then we wiped in 10 seconds :) Ohh this fight was a pain, but it was so much fun!:D

Anyone who puts "faction champs" as a favourite boss fight needs their head examined!



In now particular order:

* - Lich King - Despite not defeating him myself yet I really enjoyed the fight. I really enjoy high awareness encounters and this was one of the best so far.
* - Mimiron - Wiping on him endlessly never felt boring or tiresome.
* - XT-002 - Not sure why but I always have a smile on my face during this boss, think its the voice!
* - Dreamwalker - I didn't enjoy her when she was unlocked, mostly because I was shit at getting the orbs but once I got the hang of it I loved it. I liked the different style of encounter than we are used to.
* - Heigan the Unclean - I know, Naxx! but I love the safety dance!

I know u didnt ask but here are my least favorite:

* - Patchwerk - Yawn
* - Malygos - Im not a fan of vehicle combat
* - Gunship - Its fun once
* - 4/5 TotC encounters - the only one I enjoyed was Faction Champions
* - Flame Leviathan 0 towers - Again, vehicle combat but I enjoy the extra challenge of having the towers up.


In Cryo Sleep
Hmmmm, hard to choose 5, I liked Ulduar and most of Naxx. Only the last two bosses in ICC were fun. Like alot of the comments, vehicle fights were fun at first, then frustrating and ultimatley boring.

No particular order would have to be....

4 Horsemen

Just hope cata is not a face roll and we have to do some thinking and not aoe everything (not that im complaining at my wrath dps when aoe'ing :p)