Top 50 guilds on scarshield


Junior Administrator
Staff member
That must be going of activity then :) T bone and jerry are the 2 druids. Muhahahaha 2 healers in the whole of the Haven whoops :).


lol once BC comes out i'm gunna make a BE priest and laugh at all the lil BE hunters and pallys in the start area so that one more healer =D


Well-Known Member
Oi, I had dibs on BE priest :P

Mind you, she was gonna be my first Shadow Priest... both my others are Holy, thought I'd give the soulhaven approach a try (minus the squishie tanking)


Well-Known Member
Woot, more peoples in the guild :)

Well, hopefully I'll be back in tomorrow... if I'm not, then you can damned well bet that I'm giving Evesham Microse an earfull for not getting my computer back to me when they said it would be.

Unforunately, I likely won't be in any state to go raiding and suchlike until I'm back at university with a proper connection (ie either being on an 8Mb wireless with Tiscali or stealing the Games Lab's uber-uber-uber-net rather than a dodgy 512k with BT on one of their "comes with the package" routers that never works properly...)