A while ago some of us here would play transport tycoon on a regular basis, via OpenTTD, which does a few things like stable windows operation and multiplayer.
Well after some chatting about old games in the shoutbox yesterday, Tetsuo and I set up a game yesterday afternoon. I'm hoping we can get a few more people in, as it's quite a lot of fun. If it's something that looks interesting to you (and it should if you like trains in any way, or need a game that runs on an old computer ) definitely check it out. We're partway through the game we started (as they take a while) but if someone wants to jump in I'm sure we could help them out.
Well after some chatting about old games in the shoutbox yesterday, Tetsuo and I set up a game yesterday afternoon. I'm hoping we can get a few more people in, as it's quite a lot of fun. If it's something that looks interesting to you (and it should if you like trains in any way, or need a game that runs on an old computer ) definitely check it out. We're partway through the game we started (as they take a while) but if someone wants to jump in I'm sure we could help them out.