Splendid idea. I do have some feedback, short and long, from my experience of messing about with the roles.
I'll go for the short just now as I'm supposed to be doing something else but I'll be both pleased to play and review any/all ideas you have.
In no particular order, thoughts from my play experience of TWG1 and ref experience of TWG2 and my reading of your descriptions:
- The person with 2 votes is a screaming target for both lynching and evil attack. In hindsight, I think I'd tend to avoid public empowered roles of this nature so that everyone's in with an even chance.
- Notice you've got some sort of ranking going on in the Sith. You planning on having that work similar to the way it was in TWG2 with the lower ranks being unable to vote the higher ranks into the pit?
- Can the Sith Lord also vote for killing or is his power entirely about blocking the Jedi?
- Wonder whether the Jedi Master and Jedi Oracle might be the wrong way round, given your descriptions? Wouldn't the Master protect and the Oracle see? (No biggie, just wondering!)
- Bounty Hunter looks an interesting role, especially when you consider he's playing for the good guys. Concept wise I like the idea. Questions to answer include whether he just stops them voting in the day, or whether he also prevents their night action? Probably just the former as the latter could prove problematic. Also, can he claim to abduct himself? (I'm clearly not the Bounty Hunter as abducting myself would be crazy...)
- I'm guessing that both the Jedi roles are covert? I suggest they should be. Overt roles, such as the Night Watch Captain, appear to be "kill me first" targets, which is unfortunate.
- Do the Sith get two kills per night, or just collaborate on one kill like with TWG1 & 2?
- It is really important that the true nature of someone is revealed when they're lynched. After extensive discussion with Pia, I believe the Werewolf/Mafia game has two prime points of excitement, from the stuff the referee does:
- Who was killed over night and how horrible was it?
- Who was killed in the evening and what were they really?
All in all, though, I think you've got a perfectly workable setup there.
Because I'm more than a little mad, I was finding that I was spending an hour talking to Piacular (read: carefully ensuring that he couldn't wheedle any information out of me

) and then up to two hours writing PMs and following morning descriptions after my day close each night, and around 30 minutes writing my evening description just before that. I was fairly florid, though, so you could easily afford to be terse and it would still be fun. In fact, I suggest you keep it shorter unless you find you've got time to burn.
Finally, if you fancy using my prose style for your morning/evening write-ups, then the bbcode is:
[noparse][desc]This is a flowery description with a beautiful illuminated letter for the first letter of the first word of the first paragraph only. One liners don't look so great but multiple lines and multiple paragraphs do pretty well.[/desc][/noparse]
... which looks like:
[desc]This is a flowery description with a beautiful illuminated letter for the first letter of the first word of the first paragraph only. One liners don't look so great but multiple lines and multiple paragraphs do pretty well.[/desc]
Looking forward to it.