TTD Night


Staff member
I think it's about time we had a nice big game of TTD again. I'm leaning towards a Tuesday night, though sometime during the weekend would likely work as well. Does anyone wanting to play have specific times that would work for them?


Junior Administrator
Should be able to do most evenings (may need to make sure I have the game patched though :eek:)


Active Member
You mean OpenTTD, is that right? If so, I may be interested, however I don't really know too much about it... Will try it out though and see what I remember from giving it a shot a couple years back!


Staff member
Yes, openTTD. for anyone who doesn't have it. I believe it even has all its own art and sound now so you don't need to dig up a copy of the original game.

Looks like 1.0.5 just came out, so we'll likely be using that version.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately they don't do the mac version any more so I either have to build from source, use the VM or the PC instead of being able to use it natively on my laptop.


Junior Administrator
I am defo up for this! Not sure when is best to happen, but if people can let me know what version they are using I can build a native version for bacon and I. (Assuming I can work out which SVN tag it's using!)


Junior Administrator
*Wonder if I still have my compile environment on the mac book*

Also, coop/competitive/healthy mix?

Is it worth me putting up a server on prom for this?


Staff member
I would say 'mix'. I'd probably prefer to play as my own corp, but if everyone else wants to be in the same corp that's fine :p

Server on prom sounds like a needless amount of work, unless no one wants to host themselves... :p


Junior Administrator
I was more thinking it could run for longer... and we dont have the issue of someone running off with the savegame file :P

Also, Not having been involved in that last one of these, do people tend to play agressivly or not?


Staff member
I tend to just try to build the largest monstrosity of a rail system I can. :D

I'd recommend we run with a general "don't be a dick" honour system and hopefully that covers everything.


Junior Administrator
MMMMM Giant mainline!

You're not doing it properly till you have full on dual track mainline!

Bacon> MLS Transport shall be profitable once again?


Staff member
So as far as schedule goes, does anyone see a problem with Friday night? Somewhere around 19:00 GMT?


Junior Administrator
Anyone who happens to be in the Stevenage area is welcome to bring a laptop or PC and come round mine, we've done it before and it's usually quite a laugh! Pizza and beer can be arrange, and limited quantities of bed! Anyone interested?

Bacon, i'm counting you in already :P