Turning Off Opening Videos


Was browsing the [FPG] forums there and Iceman posted up a handy guide to "Turning off the opening videos" on BF2. I get annoyed with having to wait for them and im sure some of you do so here is how you turn them off.

  • open up your battlefield 2 folder in explorer. Click on "Mods" > BF2 > Movies.
  • Rename the file "dice.bik" to "dicebu.bik" / (bu - Back up)
  • Rename "ea.bik" to "eabu.bik"
  • Rename "intro.bik" to "introbu.bik"
  • Rename "legal.bik" to "legalbu.bik"
  • Rename "welcome.bik" to "welcomebu.bik"


Or just delete all the files in that folder :p

Far simpler, and works for me :p


Yes you could do that, but what if you suddenly want them again for some reason :P. Maybe you take a notion to hear a 12 year old boy whispering "EA Games... challenge everything".

Either way the videos stop playing, and its better keeping them JUST IN CASE :p.


Junior Administrator
Just copy the folder, making sure that the folder name is either different or in a different folder. Then delete the files in the original. I believe there is also a way to remove the background menu movies from playing, but I can't remember exactly how without googling...


New Member
Or you could just go and grab a biscuit whilst they're playing. Much more satisfying ;)


New Member
After the kid has told me to challenge everything, I just press escape.
It takes about twenty seconds to get from desktop to login screen, why mess about with it?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Twisto said:
It takes about twenty seconds to get from desktop to login screen

I've had those files removed for ages. Takes me under 5 seconds, on a slow day, to make it to the login screen.


In Cryo Sleep
Yes but he hasnt deleted all of his opening movie files, as soo as it gets past DICE i can go to login screen by pressing escape.


Well-Known Member
To make it even faster you press escape twice then, first to stop the lame0 movie, then to stop the hoe saying "welcome to doodey!" :p