I urge LD or RS or anyone, if they have the time, to start a new werewolfgame of mafia game or something like it. Its so enjoyable but im too dumb to pull it off my self.
Say if you wish to
I was just thinking about this a couple weeks ago, actually. It's kinda difficult for me with the timezone issues, but I would be happy to run one so long as nobody minds the odd day start/end times that would ensue.
I'm up for some more twg. I'm busy at the moment, and will be for a few months, so I'm happy for BiG D to do it. Day stars and ends could easily be done so it's not too much of an inconvience for GMTers, and still allow D to post at sensile times.
Mafia/Werewolf are a turn-based game that identifies the end of a turn based on the real world clock. Thus, you may say that the end of a game day is actually 19:00 GMT and that the beginning of the next game day is 09:00 GMT the following morning, or whatever timings suit the players and referee.