Twitter - 140 characters of grade A Horsesh*t.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

While your closing was certainly poignant and powerful, your opening leaves much to be desired...

Translation: what the hell are you on about??



In Cryo Sleep
I think he means "Religion, Grade A horseshit" as the sentence hes referencing is more about religion rather than twitter.


Junior Administrator
I think I'm missing somet here. Are we disliking religion or what. If it is a dig at twitter then don't look at twitter. If it is a dig at someone else's beliefs then don't follow their twitter or at least post a little more than that.

I rest my case doesn't quite cut it for me on this one not sure what I'm supposed to have an opinion on about it. If it is the apparent stupidity of celebrities then there are many finer examples than this about.


In Cryo Sleep
Well since it wasn't clear I shall make it so (number 1).

I was generally reffering to the stupidy of another vapid celebrity considered a roll model for young girls. Thought that was obvious. My bad.


In Cryo Sleep
Also a little word of warning about following "celebrities" on twitter: you should remember that you shouldnt believe everything you see on the internet

Just because someone registered the name "mileycyrus", it doesn't necessarily mean that it is in fact the real miley :p


In Cryo Sleep
Well, there are lots of sources saying its her, including, I believe, her.

I could have posted these but I didnt think this thread would go down this way...