Tying up loose ends before Cata.


In Cryo Sleep
Looking at my warlock, who is my achievement-whore. Im still missing quite a few dungeon and raid achievements that I'd like to at least have a shot at before cataclysm.

If there are any on my list that you would be interested in, or if theres some others that you could use help with, let me know and hopefully a group can be put together at some point :)

Glory of the Hero.

Intense Cold - Nexus
Chaos Theory - Nexus
Watch him Die - Azjol-Nerub
Respect your Elders - Ahn'kahet
Volunteer Work - Ahn'kahet
What the eck? - Gundrak
Less Rabi - Gundrak
Abuse the Ooze - Halls of Stone
Zombiefest - Culling of Stratholme
Ruby Void - Occulus
Emerald Void - Occulus
Amber Void - Occulus

Also, if there is enough interest I'd certainly be interested in doing a couple of the simple raid achievements, on an non-raiding night (Saturday, Sunday, Monday). E.g 8 manning OS10, Malygos10 or Naxx10 etc.
Just an idea for something to do for the next 25 days ^^

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
Definitely interested in doing some of those heroix achievements, as welll as some of the simpler raid ones.

Would actually quite like to be a part of a guild zerg rush one day before expansion? Just for the Achieve and Drake? :3


In Cryo Sleep
Im up for

Glory of the Hero.

Intense Cold - Nexus
Chaos Theory - Nexus
Respect your Elders - Ahn'kahet
Abuse the Ooze - Halls of Stone
Zombiefest - Culling of Stratholme

As there are the ones that i need for the achivement :)


Well-Known Member
Guys, won't "Glory of the Hero" will still be obtainable post-Cata? Albeit with some changes made to reflect the removed dungeons?


In Cryo Sleep
Guys, won't "Glory of the Hero" will still be obtainable post-Cata? Albeit with some changes made to reflect the removed dungeons?
Yup Im 90% sure that the achievement and the mount reward will be obtainable, however I'd like to think that when cata comes out there will be enough content to keep me busy without having to go back into wrath.
Also Im currently at 91/100 mounts and this is one of the 9 im hoping to get before cata.
"Removed Dungeons"? It may just be too early, but I cant think of any of the wrath dungeons that are being removed in cata. I thought northrend was hardly being touched....:S