


Was really fun to play with you guys in the Uberscrim both the 1st and 2nd game... hope there are more scrims ahead would be fun to play with you all. Going to drop in to your TS more often from now to see if any of you are playing BF2.

I think the Uberscrim was successful in the way that it's about connecting with other clans and be able to play with different people think im the only one who played with another team then my own :)

Will see you all later on this week when i got more free time too much to do at the moment... well only one thing working 14 hours a day in restaurant with +40 Celsius... See you all soon


Hey DasNeo, Thanks for playing last night.

I'll leave this thread where it is justnow because you can't see our BF2 Forum (it has all our secret tactics :p). Anyway it was good to have someone from another clan on our team and you made a valuable contribution towards the game.

Most of us all use Xfire. It's a chat program that also allows you to see what game and what server ect your friends are on etc. If you download that and add macca666, you should get most of the others on from the "Friends of Friends" bit :).

Anyway I'll deffinatley be on your server a bit more for some BF2 :).


will download it and i will jump into your TS once in a while to see if anyone is on