Yep, it's more or less a mirror of the eastern bloc police states. Funny how they get away with it internationally. This will all collapse when the world currency is the euro, fortunately.
EDIT 2 after reading: thats just mean to the bloke , its kinda obvious if someone dont speak english, the conductor should of asked around if someone spoke the persons language and translated...
and the fact the law for "taking pictures from a train" and "taking pictures of a train" is abosolute bullshit...
Yep, it's more or less a mirror of the eastern bloc police states. Funny how they get away with it internationally. This will all collapse when the world currency is the euro, fortunately.
world currency will not be the euro.. already the amero is being established. Once a solid currency state is established over the states involved with these they will then establish into another currency which is world wide. The asian countries are following as well though I cannot remember what their currency is to be called.
be afraid, be very afraid. Probably not for yourselves but what is to become of your children as the world they will live in will be marred with this type of behaviour.
if only, its actually something worth dying for.. your rights and freedoms in this world. Being surpressed in a police state is not going to be fun, its also the way Britain is going as they bring in more anti terrorism laws.