

If you are intending to move to another guild, be it with a single character or moving entirely over, then there are a few things to remember:

1) Tell us that you are applying to other guilds. We're not going to get angry and rage at you for wanting to move somewhere else, and telling us ahead of time gives some time to plan and fill in any gap you might be leaving.

Slinking off with either no informing us until you do leave, or leaving silently, is flat-out rude and disrespectful. Don't do it.

2) If you plan to remain on board with us as a raider in addition to being elsewhere, then do not expect to receive priority raid spots if you only sign up on occasion, and do not expect to be able to bring you out-of-guild characters to our raids. Guilded characters come first.

3) We had this exact thing happen in BC because people decided to jump on the bandwagon of going elsewhere, and it hurt us a lot for a fair while. At this rate, it's going to do so again. Whilst I will be the first to say that, being a game that you pay to play, it is ultimately up to you to have fun, I would also hope for a degree of loyalty and for people to not just jump on the bandwagon when we're trying to fix things.

Also, if I continue to find people applying to other guilds without telling us anything at all, I'm going to just start stripping people of Raider ranks to save time.

Well it seems a common trait for the enhancement shaman in The Haven!
Unfortunately, week after week it has become impossible for me to raid most thursdays/fridays and some saturdays, so unfortunately my 'progression' is usually now down to pugging.
I still want to get into some of the old hardmode/ulduar raids, and 25 man ICC, which seems to happen seldomly and usually when I can't make them.
A fair amount of my pugs tend to be with another guild who have a raiding schedule more suitable for my free time, and do both weekly icc25 (normally to prince& queen/ulduar and icc10 to LK, and as they have no enhancement shamans, I am considering moving Veygrix to there.
So guys, consider this notice for Veygrix to be leaving the guild.

Its been fun when I have managed to get involved, and I'm sure our paths will always cross around Scarshield Legion!

I'll be handing over my "Guild #1 Achievment Whore" title to Elinicia & "Guild #1 WowHero" title to Korel

So Long and thanks for all the fish!


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

[mod]Folks, please be wary of unnecessary thread necromancy. :D[/mod]

On a more personal note, I too has a sad. :(

But, it is what it is. May you have the best of luck on your endeavours out there. Hey, who knows, maybe you'll pull a Lideon and your schedules will sort themselves out. :)



In Cryo Sleep
I'll be handing over my "Guild #1 WowHero" title to Korel

I'd rather sit in 2nd than see you go mate, sad day :( But hey, if circumstances change, do come back if you can!

I don't think vouches will be a problem in a re-app :P

Take care.


Well-Known Member
Sad to see you go, mate, but if our raiding schedule just can't mesh with your RL one, then I hope you can find a decent guild that will work for you. You've always got a place here if you want it, and you're more than welcome to leave alts here if you'd like.

And yeah, here's hoping you'll "pull a Lideon" :p


New Member
Sad Panda is Sad realy pitty to see you go m8:(.
But yeah if RL doenst allow you can't help it.
Hope to see you come back soon to us again:D.




Sad to see you go, mate, but if our raiding schedule just can't mesh with your RL one, then I hope you can find a decent guild that will work for you. You've always got a place here if you want it, and you're more than welcome to leave alts here if you'd like.

And yeah, here's hoping you'll "pull a Lideon" :p

:cool: thanks for that! we shall see, I have an alt or few, I can use to keep involved, if you don't mind (lvl65 hunter - Elistiana). If things change maybe in the future I will 'pull a Lideon'.
Take care everyone, though I'll still keep nosing the forums, and the Haven Armory / Wowheroes pages to see whose done what :D

bye bye!