US intervention mod!

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New Member
It all looks very nice.
But having little experiances of mods,
What is the likelyhood of bf2 mods messing up my normal ranked game.
I did like the sound of 'Desert Combat' but I'm very wary of installing anything that might interfere with EA's strict "no messing about" policy.

Has anybody run any mods without problems?


Mod's are generally fine, as they run on completly differant servers to that of regular (or vanilla) BF2, in effect a modification can be thought of a completly seperate game that happens to use the same basic files as Bf2. Thus a modification is installed in addition to the files of BF2, unlike a hack or cheat which is installed in replacement of some of the files of BF2.

Thus there's no problem, and especially with such established mods such as Desert Combat even less to fear, as there's already been thousands of "beta" testers if you will :p


In Cryo Sleep
Once these mods come out Twisto everyone will probably forget about vanilla bf2 apart from the people who are hard core about stats. It happened with bf1942 and itl happen with bf2.


In Cryo Sleep
Fi$hy said:
lol,Gibson and his personal vendetta against stats!

lol its not that i hate them, il admit i look at mine, but i think that people take it too seriosly. Remember after all its just a GAME! We are supposed to concentrate on fun.
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