Quick poll for you, based on the following information:
We get 2-3 spam registrations every day.
We get roughly 1 legitimate registration every month.
Conservatively, therefore, we get over 60 times more spam registrations than real ones.
I'd like to close public registration in place of Admin-only registration (i.e. if you want an account, ask an Admin).
The poll basically is to assess whether this'll actually cause you guys n gals pain.
Poll is public.
We get 2-3 spam registrations every day.
We get roughly 1 legitimate registration every month.
Conservatively, therefore, we get over 60 times more spam registrations than real ones.
I'd like to close public registration in place of Admin-only registration (i.e. if you want an account, ask an Admin).
The poll basically is to assess whether this'll actually cause you guys n gals pain.
Poll is public.