Usergroup access??



Hi admins,

Im new to HavenNet and cant seem to access the WOW usergroup. I have had 2 mails from you, and replied to both so my mail address should be verified.

When I click to 'join usergroup', the WOW gruop is placed at the bottom of the page, however I cant click on any link in the pane to access the page.

Is there somthing wrong here, or am I being usless noob (very possible) here??

Please dont flame me too harshly :D

Any advice would be fantastic!!

Thanks- Fluffy

Ronin Storm

Staff member
No no, you're just missing a step.

Once you've got access to the usergroup a forum will become available to you on the main page of the site:

Games / Role-playing Games / World of Warcraft

The usergroup itself has no further information or functionality associated with it aside from opting you in on the WoW forum.

You should be able to see the forum now given that I see you've joined the usergroup and all that's gone through.

Does that make sense? And work for you?