version 1.20 Patchy patchy patchwaaaaaaly patchness for 2142!!


Glad to hear about the two main fixes in titan mode.

1) Server option to make it impossible to move titan.

2) Optimisation to reduce lag on titan.

This will hopefully make the titan mode more playable and therefore enjoyable.

Seems a bit late though, titan mode was always a good idea but the laginess of it did spoile it.


In Cryo Sleep
1) Change to Heal and Repair Point Awarding: Heal and repair points awarded after a 50% heal / repair instead of 100% heal / repair.

Good, because I'm fed up running around after vehicles and keeping them in check and only getting about 2 points each time.


Junior Administrator
yeah hopefully there might be a few more assault players, i get really fed up of crap recon players who are only using the kit to get the APM,who could just as easily be keeping me alive, game needs more medics. I know i'm too modest but seriously i hope that a few more plp to do pick up on this and nail those medic kits.


New Member
Finally been allowed to play the game because my internet is back on. First thing I find is a bloody patch needs downloading. Just great. I'll download it sum ova tym. But when I do, just be ready for the might of Taffy! (Or as i'm called on 2142, SuperTed29, because all my usual alias' are already assigned.)