you do realise that the US currently owes $9trillon in debt most of which is secured with their oil reserves, in contrast the uk is currently in about $1trillion of debt, the difference being that the UKs deficit per year is approx $65bn whereas the US deficit is approx $1.4bn per day, however the US currently has a large enough oil reserve to secure pretty much any debt they accumulate. This allows them to employ the mercinarys to do the "dirty work" under the radar of pretty much everyone and creates a distance between the actions and the concequences of their actions, hence why it's a stratergy that is in common place through out several middle eastern countries where the american millitary is deployed. As for the hiring of mercinarys to patrol the streets of the city at home, I feel that if that is neccesarry you really need to sort out some sort of problem there *BEFORE* attempting to sort out the problems of other countries with military force
i guess i'd better get back to work, hope at least some of what i said actually made some sense