Video Games Live



So, last night I went to the Video Games Live event at Royal Festival Hall near Waterloo station. The hall is recently refurbished, and is fantastic. The show was also fantastic, for the most part. There were a couple of times when the show was a bit less perfect than others, but overall I loved the evening.

For those to lazy to click links, it's a concert type affair with a full orchestra (in last night's case, the London Philharmonic Orchestra - sorry, more lnks!) and choir, that play theme music from games. Very fun. But it's also so much more! They also play some videos of the games they are doing the music to, which is nice, and they are sponsored by Microsoft to do the show. Yeah, yeah, you see an XBox 360 logo when you walk in, boo, etc. But this does mean that in the course of the evening, they gave away a 360 Premium, a 360 Elite, 3 copies of Halo 3, and other games. And a home edition of Frogger. And all the people had to do was play Space Invaders and Frogger to get this! That's pretty sweet...

And! They had a costume competition at the start of the evening (which someone dressed as Tentacle, from Day of the Tentacle, won. Which was nice.

AND THEN! At the end of the evening, several of the composers of the music that was being played throughout the night were on hand to just talk to. Including the guy who composed all the Halo music! AND! The famous Video Games Pianist was there too, and he was awesome. Awesome...

Anyway, it was a fun night, and if any of you were ever (or are now) thinking about going, I would. But go with friends. It's fun!