Virgin Media and WoW


In Cryo Sleep
Hey all

Thought I might get advice on this.

We upgraded from 10 to 20meg about 2 weeks ago as we thought why the devil not.

Since then we have had nothing but issues with the service and connection including them doing maintenance on the line on the 18th and forgetting to put it back on. The internet sometimes just doesn't connect but you can ping out. web pages just don't load. Then there is the WoW issue where if it loads it is a miracle but if you do get on you get lag spikes and get disconnect all the time. This has been happening for two weeks and Virgin say nothing is wrong.

I know there has been issues in the past couple of days where it just seems overloaded but this is so bad. I cant believe it would be me upgrading to 20 as there is no difference in service except maybe some throttling at peak times but we use no where near 20 meg.

So i'm asking for help to see if there is anything we can do!

all I want is to play wow and not lag to death!

Bex n Tim


Junior Administrator
That sounds like their traffic shaping... only thing you can do is phone them and tell them to stop being little bitches and shaping your traffic to hell - a large amount of WoW traffic is P2P traffic so often gets (wrongly) shaped to hell and back before it gets anywhere.


Junior Administrator
Definitely worth phoning up tech support on 151 to get them to check your line out, even with any traffic management it shouldn't be anywhere near as bad as you're describing, so it sounds like there's something else going on.

Also, just to confirm that upgrading from 10 to 20 actually increases your traffic allowance before getting throttled, so if anything it should be better from that standpoint.

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
Hmr, all this stuff about Virgin killing WoW speeds is overplayed if you ask me, I'm with Virgin (admittedly 50mb line) and haven't noticed any latency issues in the slightest.


Active Member
It's not just your line speed, but also how close you are to the exchange and just how many hardcore users there are in your area.
A street full of p2p users on 50mb lines will get worse performance than being the only p2p user on a street with only a 10mb line.