Wacky race night

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New Member
If I can find some free time this weekend, I will download the race mod to see if its worth using.


In Cryo Sleep
have u got a polan of races or u taking suggestions. mine might sux but might be an idea to run them past people.


New Member
All ideas are welcome.
If nobody comes up with any, then its down to my personal choices.
Although if something plainly sucks, then its very easy to change maps on the night.


BF2 Wacky Races Night

7:30pm Tuesday 4th April. -

Have we choosen wether we are playing with a race MOD etc???
Alos we need to outline some rules!


In Cryo Sleep
we have to play wake island, do a relay, 2 men/women in a team 1st person starts at one point and drives to the other side, the second person gets in as a driver and the first person takes a back seat, first team back wins


Junior Administrator
How we deciding the partnerships?

Not sure i'll be able to make it or not, but i'm leaving myself down for the moment

Probably too early for me...



New Member
May not be able to make it, as i'm having trouble getting the new patch :mad: I'm downloading the full patch and i'll see if that works. If not, i'm scuppered :(


New Member
Not sure if it can go ahead without the server working properly.

An alternative is too hijack an empty server that has the map we require, but that sounds iffy.

Im afraid it looks like being postponed for the moment. :(


In Cryo Sleep
Yes we managed to get the server updated with PB enabled late last Sunday.

You should be good to get this going tonight Twisto.


New Member

Event is to go ahead as planned.

Can everybody please be on Teamspeak for 7:30pm.

I'm also going to assume that all you peeps know the general layout of the maps..For example; the first race is on Kubra dam - from the USMC uncapable to the end of the runway at the Intake.
If somebody is unsure, then we may do a quick stint on ATC.


Junior Administrator
well the thing about that is that there are many different routes that could be taken... i can think of at least 2! though I think i know which one would be faster...
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